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Surprise! An early episode for everyone! Here's why: the 1st Jan 6 hearing is in the books. The next one is Monday AM. Listen for Andrew's breakdown of hearing 1, and what to look for in hearing 2!

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At what point (or is there a point) does being told you lost the election, but your internal beliefs are that you didn’t )no matter the evidence), become a problem in the law? When you see evidence but refuse to actually believe the evidence - is there something in the law that addresses that? My worry is that trump will continue to be able to claim “I don’t believe I actually lost” and I’m wondering at what point that will pass the smell test if there is no evidence that he ever BELIEVED he lost the election…and how that applies to the rest of the United States.


Besides a criminal conviction, the Hearings should be used to build the case for 14th Amendment challenges to anyone involved.


If you can show that he really did understand that he lost, his entire alibi falls apart.


What if he has never shown that he *fully* understood he lost? I guess I’m asking what the test is for “understanding”. How many times of being told? What level of evidence in front of you?