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Thomas nails it, picking (B) on the theory of "is this question trying to trick me?" (Yes.)  He's now 148-for-280 (52.9%).



Quark Twain

Huge kudos to Thomas for sniffing out the trick and daring to call their bluff! This is an evil question and makes me glad I'm only answering bar questions recreationally. Thanks to a previous T3BE, I knew that A was wrong and why it was wrong. Andrew would say I analyzed it "exactly perfectly." However I didn't realize that (C) was wrong for the same reason so I fell for that. What would be the answer to this question if the value in (B) was $100,000? Or even if it was $75,000.01? I suppose there would be no good answer or that (B) would still be the least wrong.


I've done about 150 Civ Pro MBE questions in the last week, with a ~75% success rate. This one is straight up evil and got past me. Nice job Thomas.