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Let's face it - the conspiracy theory/fake news coming from the left on the Rittenhouse Trial is really terrible. AND THAT DOESN'T MEAN that the left is as bad as the right, or anything like that. However, we on OA have found it to be exhausting and frustrating. So Andrew is here to set the record straight!
But first! We've got some activism for ya. Biden's bull crap Supreme Court Commission is filled with Federalist Society conservatives. It's a waste of time and we need to do something about it. Fortunately, there's a meeting that we can crash! Get the details here.

Links: Democrats call out Biden Supreme Court commission, motion to dismiss, Wisconsin Legislature: 948.60, Jury instructions, Sentencing Policies and Practices in Wisconsin


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I listened to this after the news broke. It's a good breakdown, still. And I've never been sadder that Andrew was wrong about what the likely verdict should have been. I'm seeing comments above encouraging a fight-fire-with-fire response from the left, from people legitimately seeking justice from a system that is not just. I'm scared of that happening - it's civil war you're talking about, you realize that? Maybe more and escalating violence is what will inevitably happen, but I wouldn't wish that on your country. I sincerely hope instead it's your representatives that start recognizing the burning building of a country they've inherited and get moving on killing the filibuster and voting rights and holding the previous criminal inhabitants to account for the division they continue to stoke that is really at the root of all of this. Remember it's the only real "strategy" the former guy had; chaos, breaking your systems' legitimacy to claim government doesn't work so they keep people oppressed, while behind it they're selling your country for parts in various grifts. I just feel like responding with violence means you're giving into something that leads to more chaos and division. That can't be the way to get out of this.

Civil Politics Radio dot com (Fridays at 6pm EST on Valley Free Radio)

FYI, the 90 second video Gosar tweeted is much worse, and far more racist, than just a veiled threat to AOC. It's a pastiche of scenes from the credits of Attack on Titan, and inserts scenes of border patrol agents and Haitian refugees that basically calls CPB a desperate last defense against hordes of monsters that literally want to eat us. Sue and I talk about it on this week's Civil Politics.