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It's a consequences episode, our favorite genre! Our first bit of great news is that Cuomo resigned.  Andrew has a few follow up thoughts on that and our episode on Cuomo, as well as some introductory information on who will be New York's first ever female Governor, Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul! Then we get to the great news of the Dominion Lawsuit surviving a motion to dismiss. If you've listened to the show for a while, you might have noticed that defamation suits tend to have a tough time surviving motions to dismiss. That's because our 1st Amendment is very broad. But the Big Liars went so beyond the pale, they're finding out even the 1st Amendment has limits. Yay!

Links: NY AG report on Cuomo, Kathy Hochul, Hochul's govtrac, Hochul speaks, Survey USA poll, Emerson Poll, Dominion Opinion


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So Faulconer’s name is actually pronounced closer to Faulkner. But keep mispronouncing it please. The dude’s a joke, he was the mayor of my city (San Diego) and he’s just a wet blanket. Oh and once, his staff pretended to gather video for city stuff but actually used it for his campaign and I was in one of the videos where he hijacked the logo on my sweatshirt (for a tech accelerator in which I was a participant). A genuinely boring guy and scummy all around. He’s under scrutiny still for a really bad deal over buying a property for the city that turned into a bust (it’s a complicated deal but look for the 101 Ash St deal). And the California GOP won’t even endorse anyone, not him nor candidates who have run for Governor before (John Cox). What a mess.