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Woo, Thomas has started an all-new, all-different two-question winning streak, picking the correct answer (B).  He's now 127-for-240 (52.9%). The coin piggybacked on his success, picking (B), and is now 7-for-15 (46.7%).




All-new, all-different? Oh, crap! Is the coin going to go on to be on every exam ever or is it going to die in the next question?

William Evan Barnes

Thomas, if you want a concrete example of what WOULD constitute "unduly risky behavior" on a mountain bike, check out Sam Pilgrim's, Fabio Wibmer's, or Matt Jones's YouTube channels. Although these dudes are professionals, so I don't think it's unduly risky for them. But it would be if I tried what they do. And I say that as someone who broke his ribs 6 weeks ago in a mountain bike crash on a jump I've done at least 100 times without problems.