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Julie Dawley

I'm curious about #9, Mo Brooks getting an arrest warrant for the process server who served his wife. How did he convince a judge that this was probable cause for criminal activity?


I'm going to be a little off topic here but I keep running into the consequences of the bad reporting on the master piece cake wedding cake ruling from the supreme court. I know there was an episode about it but there still is some massive misunderstandings about it. It is my understanding that when Jack Phillips tried to say that forcing him to make a wedding cake for a gay couple was compelled speech because making cakes, for him, is how he expresses himself through art, but the supreme court rejected that argument. I thought mr. Phillips narrow victory was specifically because of something Chief Justice Roberts essentially pulled out of thin air that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission violated mr. Phillips religious feelings. Is that not true? I just heard the latest episode of the Friendly Atheist and some relatively large YouTube channels seemingly get it wrong and I attribute that to how poorly the media covers legal stories. My concern is that what was only a narrow victory for Phillips can be used in a similar case to help create that precedent and it would be best if we did all we could to get the record corrected.