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Andrew is giggling like a school child right now as we present the deep-dive you didn't know you needed! It's transform...ing robots (not quite Transformers) and some really intricate IP law! It also involves Italian Trump!
Before that, we have a correction on trademarking numbers, and some mini-dive into an Ugg lawsuit!
Links: Ugg Lawsuit final order, 15 US Code § 1117 - Recovery for violation of rights, USD287037S - Changeable robot toy, 2003 Court Tokyo High Court Case, 2017 Arbitration, Macross Sequels and Films To Be Released Worldwide


None. Have us on!

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-And finally, remember that you can email us at openarguments@gmail.com!




Haven’t seen Awkwafina’s stand up, but check out her video “My Vag”. Hilarious.


I have passed the Harmony Gold building on Sunset Blvd a million times and never knew what it was. Always thought it’d be a great name for a drag queen. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the stage... Harmony Gold!