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You may have seen some alarming headlines about Chauvin's lawyers asking for a new trial over a juror being at a BLM rally, but do those alarming headlines hold up? Should we be concerned? Andrew has the full breakdown!
Before that, we tackle a very interesting component of the census called the "differential privacy" method, and why it's the subject of a new lawsuit.


None. Have us on!

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Hey, thanks for the shout out! A very minor Andrew Was Wrong: Ale is short for "Alejandro," and it's AH-lay :). PS I'm looking into the "NY is 89 people away thing," I've also added a few more features since recording, so have at it folks! You can now delete states too, I know we all want to delete Florida, you can finally live your dream. https://apportionmentcalculator.com/ Update: I was using the *residential* population instead of the *apportionment* population. Data is fixed now, thanks Thomas for checking it out live on air 😅


The details with which Andrew delves into these issues is amazing and is the reason I am a Patreon.