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Governor Tony Evers is not messing around when it comes to Sidney Powell's evidence-free conspiracy nonsense. He has filed a motion for sanctions that just demolishes Powell for being a total hack, liar, and terrible lawyer. It's magnificent, and Andrew breaks it down for us! After that, we've got some follow up on Uzuegbunam v Preczewski (the one where Andrew sided with John Roberts.) Was Andrew wrong? Find out!


Thomas was on the latest God Awful Movies!

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I just last week listened to an old episode of Knowledge Fight in which they deep-dove into the story of Terpsichore (episode 470 for those who want to learn more about her). I was tickled to hear her come up on OA now that I have all this back story :D


As another fun fact related to the influence of the Norman invasion on English history... when the Queen gives Royal Assent to a bill from Parliament (our equivalent of the President signing a bill into law) she does so in Norman French: "La Reyne le veult" – the Queen wills it. If she were ever to refuse assent it would be "La Reyne s'avisera" – the Queen will consider it... though this hasn't happened since 1707.