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Today's show has everything you want from an OA episode! We start with some follow-up on the Originalism episodes. Second is a fascinating mini dive into Graham v. Connor and why both the defense and the prosecution of the Derek Chauvin Trial are citing it. Finally, we squeeze in an amazing wildcard segment about Jordan Peterson being Red Skull in the new Captain America comics!


Thomas was on the latest God Awful Movies!

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Aha! For some reason, the contrast between purpose and original public meaning made something click that just hadn't before, and it helps me better understand why "originalism" doesn't actually encompass all appeals to the "original meaning" of a law, and therefore why it would be a bad (or at least, very shallow) way to make decisions even if it weren't a cover for partisan decisions. Thank you!


I am for some ridiculous reason so overjoyed that my name brought joy and laughter! This podcast does the same for me so glad I could give back.