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In case you missed it, our 45th president led a violent insurrection about a month ago and now it's up to Democrats to convince a bunch of Republicans... who were there... that it happened. Andrew is here to break it all down for us!

Also, some other criminal president updates as the Georgia Sec of State opens an investigation into Trump's election meddling there.

Links: NYT Georgia Officials Review Trump's Phone Call to Raffensperger, Georgia Prosecutors Open Criminal Inquiry Into Trump's Efforts to Subvert Election, DA Preservation letters, Christine Resigns, impeachment schedule, Res 47 Adopted 2/9, Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6, 18 US Code Chapter 102 - RIOTS


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wouldn't it be impossible to prosecute Trump as citizen, because you can't find 12 people without opinion on Trump?


It was amusing to hear them theorize that the defense was going to put together a supercut of democrats saying "fight" and "fight like hell". They actually did a 3 minute long montage that had long overstayed its welcome about 30 seconds in that irritated even the republicans.


It would at the very least be incredibly difficult to find 12 intelligent jurors who had no prior knowledge of Trump's behavior but would be capable of hearing the Capitol insurrection for the first time and passing a reasonable judgement. I know a guy who referred to Trump as "funny" but had no opinion of him politically. You could get 12 neutral people, but getting 12 competent jurors would be the hard part, especially if you were limited to the population of a county in Georgia, Washington D.C., or somewhere in New York.


the standard is not "no opinion" its whether you can render an impartial verdict. People have all sorts of opinions. The question is if the juror can set aside their "opinions" and listen to the case and render a verdict based on the evidence.