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Just when you think shows can't get any more positive, we've got another happy one for ya! It's perfect phone call #2 (that we know about) and Andrew thinks there is a rock solid case for Trump for prison!
Before that we discuss Marcus's motion to withdraw. He wrote a conspiracy BS article in the Federalist that we can't even link on Twitter because it gets blocked.

Links: Trumps full phone call, Turley: It’s legally absurd to claim Trump committed crime in call with Georgia election officials, Georgia Code 21-2-604, 21-2-562, § 45-11-1


Thomas and Andrew were on Episode 754 of Ice Cream Social!

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I fully agree with Andrew's analysis of Trump's criminal liability based on the call. The only intent needed is intent to knowingly put forward an inaccurate vote count. My question: What about his attorney, Ms. Mitchell? Trump can try to claim he is a businessman who was just trying to make a deal by negotiating a vote count somewhere in-between reality and his own wackadoodle numbers - that he is unsophisticated when it comes to the nuances of election law, etc., but this same excuse won't fly for his attorney. Did she have an obligation to stop him? To tell him his only legal option(s) require an accurate vote counted in accordance w/the law, and that continuing to insist otherwise constitutes a crime? Does she bear criminal responsibility for not doing that? Bonus: Does that analysis change if she were legitimately representing him as an attorney (versus having fraudulently established the a-c relationship)?


Oh hey! That's me at the end! Thanks Alex, and congrats on the debate tournament!