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Trump is looking poised to pardon everything not nailed down on his way out of the White House. You've got pardons in exchange for bribes, run-of-the-mill corrupt pardons, preemptive pardons(?), family pardons, and god knows what else. Andrew breaks it all down for us!

Also an update on state certification (IT'S OVER, BEAST!)

Links: Election results certification dates 2020, Court filing on DOJ pardon investigation, Trump Has Discussed With Advisers Pardons for His 3 Eldest Children and Giuliani, Can Trump Pre-emptively Pardon Allies or Himself? Clemency Power, Explained, Flynn Pardon, Clint Lorance pardon, FIRST BLACK ARMY OFFICER IS PARDONED BY CLINTON


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My partner and I also have the two space discussion. He uses two, so he's wrong ;)


Why do you guys hate The Guardian? (see Miss Ashley's 12-3). It's not right wing, it's not racist, it's not a tabloid, it is not owned by a media mogul. So what's up? I have been reading it since it was the Manchester Guardian and it's not perfect, but it's better than most.


I agree. The Guardian is annoying, sure, but there's no reason to hate it.