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We're finally getting the deep-dive we've always wanted on the *drum roll* Unites States Postal Service! Questions answered by our esteemed Andrew include: Who is DeJoy? How is he even there? Why is the Post Service losing so much money? What's with the sorting machines and boxes disappearing? All those answers and more!


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One note on the episode today: Short Version: The Amazon Stock Option purchase may actually have been him divesting from Amazon by unwinding his position. Long Version: During today's hearing DeJoy was asked about buying options. DeJoy claimed that he had written covered calls against Amazon. Since he was required to divest, he sold his amazon shares on Aug. 22nd and then bought back his calls on the 24th(?). Covered calls are a basic options strategy where you own 100 shares of a company and write a call agains them. To close the position fully, you would, as he stated need to sell the shares and buy back your call. If you didn't buy back the call, you would actually be 'short' Amazon which would still leave you with a conflict of interest. Is he a stooge and probably installed to tear down a critical piece of our infrastructure? Probably. But on the options question, we would now want to confirm whether he was actually short calls at the time of his filing that he would have had to cover. I hope that helps and was kind of clear.


I was glad I changed my Patreon name in time for this episode. :D