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Do you ever have to trick people into physically taking your legal papers while ritualistically declaring, "You've been served"? According to television it is often necessary to resort to crazy and pretensive antics to get a folder in someone's hands. One show I recently saw had a guy fake a bicycle accident right in front of the unsuspecting lawsuit defendant so that he'd pick the bicyclist's bag off the ground in a helpful gesture. "You've been served," said the bicyclist as he left the man holding a bag of 127 lawsuits against him. It's enough to make you wonder if you could dodge a lawsuit indefinitely by simply refusing to hold any bags, folders, or any containers large enough to hold legal papers. Perhaps if one was an amputee with no arms with which to grasp them?

Stormy Decisis

Last minute addition based on Andrew's comment about the 1-in-50 questions: Re: LAM 32 I have a great question for you guys to cover on the show. See, my landlord started asking me for legal advice and when I told her not to take legal advice from a podcast listener, she started breaking into my apartment and harassing me by leaving fresh, untrodden banana peels on the floor. When I confronted her, she hissed at me that she was the mayor's daughter and she could get away with all kinds of things. My question is does that constitute a threat?