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All right! First report for Scooby's game, and I actually CAN use images for once! Let's get to it.

We have a character doll build (a sort of wardrobe for expressions), and expression tags (eyes, mouth, arms, clothes, extras...) are being added to the script for each dialogue line. Again, the idea is for Akanoes to work on it while I do some Ben X scenes, but some changes are needed first if we're to do TMoSL properly, so I'm putting some hours on it so the expression system matches "the Ren'py way of doing shit". Also improving stuff because I can't really help myself.

The Mystery of Shagworthy's Legacy is a NSFW visual novel that follows one of Mystery Inc.'s (that's Scooby, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne and Fred) cases, with the player (that's you) in control of Shaggy's decisions. An old letter from Shaggy's Uncle, Harry Rogers Shagworthy the Third, a creepy Hotel with unusual guests, and what could very well be the end of their investigative career as they face a  A PROFUSE, RIDGED, OBSCENE, INCOHERENT , VISCOUS manner of a CREATURE that patiently waits just beyond the EDGE of REALITY to DOOM us all!!

Also Daphne's boobs. Velma's ass is profusely displayed. Juices.

And humor. I'm not giving that up.

The game alternates daily interrogations of the hotel's guests and nightly escapades in search for clues, the truth, and body heat. It also has investigation zones, with proper detectivesque gameplay and a few surprise appearances. It may also contain g-g-g-ghosts!!

In other posts, I'll be telling you more about its mechanics (fear is important, for example), the -again- vast collection of clothes for the girls, and introducing some of the characters that populate this particular slice of Hell.  For now, I hope your -ehem- curiosity is tingling at the prospect of getting to know Daphne and Velma (and that lady next to the zombie bellboy thing) a bit better. It seems all the work I've put on this thing will become a game you can play after all, and I couldn't be happier about it.

Stay safe, guys and gals. There are Old Gods about.





OMG yes!!!! My prayers have been answered.. time to jump on Newman and Akanoes bandwagon! :)


Hell ya thanks Newman and Akanoes for TMoSL


It lives!!


That looks amazing!




I hope some love is shown to Fred x Daphne lovings. All we need is someone to work on a Kim Possible game and we will have nearly all of the great cartoons as fan games.


😁 Thank you so much, guys! I wasn't sure if you'd understand I'm not abandoning Ben X on any way and all that jazz, but once again you surprise me by being fucking cool and getting excited about the games we're making. I really needed the support, internet people. And you were you. Fucking rockstars, man 😁


Im hope for Hot spicy Velma pics 😍


Hope to see Scooby going after Velma, they make such a cute couple X3

Patrick McDowell

I’m very happy You my heros Newman and Akanoes Keep games lol


Will there be localization in other languages ​​in the game?


Not really, but if people decide to make unofficial translations, it's up to them 👍


whats ur discord?


Where is the link to download?