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Also, I find really bad jokes hilarious, sue me XD

Hey there! Overly affectionate uncle Newman here with another quick progress report,

I'm almost done! Only one scene left! Of course, this is a mere illusion. I'm sure more details will keep popping up, wild bugs will appear, shit I hadn't noticed before won't let me sleep until I fix it... I need to add music as well, but for now, maybe I can hope, I can dream... that an alpha release is coming.

Akanoes has been hard at work as well. Combat has been improved, doll system as well, and most of the story has been implemented (only the scene that I have to give him is left). We need to add cams, the new shop purchases and some other stuff, but we're getting there.

More news soon, talk then!




Matt Ahn

*ba-dum, psh* 🤣


Is it a bad thing that I like Bad Jokes too?... XD


People that use or enjoy puns have no soul!... and I guess I'm one of them

The Frinky Dink Man

Can't wait to see what you guys have accomplished


To the players, probably something that seems like a continuation of the previous alpha, just the newest episode of Ben X (of course, with more nakkid ladies). For us it meant revising and improving a LOT of stuff. We had to make sure the code is prepared for what's coming next. Even script-wise, actually. There's a lot of seeds I'm planting now that will be relevant in the future.


Quality update coming soonTM? That's why I give you my money dood.


technically you can still post "sexy" stuff, just not to public. so you can for example post a fully clothed shar pic that's public, and a slutty naked one in an "unrelated" post for patreons.