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Hey there children of the atom! Newman here with a very short progress report:

Yeah, it's on the way.



Just  kidding. We are in the process of testing combat, tweaking numbers to see if progression feels the way it should. Also 4 kinds of grenades! Testers will get the build in a day or two, so feel free to come by the discord channel for info on that.

Writing is done, I have still to add expressions to the last 2 bits of it, possibly improving and cutting dialog along the way. I've found doing both at the same time (rewriting and adding expressions) saves time and it's much more enjoyable for me. Especially now that I have the character build Akanoes made for me, which lets me customize any character (with expressions, arm positions, extras like blushes, drops...) and then copy/paste that directly on the script for Akanoes to add to the game straight away. This is saving me hours and hours and tedium, so thanks Akanoes, you fucking star.

Apart from that, Shar's 2 main scenes for this build are done, cams are working, base building is there... I decided to change the way arm layers work in the game (a moment I had been dreading because it's a lot of work, but finally admitted it's the best way forward) so I have to get that done. Then a scene with Gwen, Bob's your uncle.

I'm sure we'll come up with little details to keep improving the game, but it seems those are our tasks this month.

We decided to get Broken Controller's (our) website running AFTER this build so we can focus on the game. It'll be simple, easy for you to get to the good bits, and possibly filled with lame jokes. How lame? We'll see. I aim for 55-year-old-divorced-dad-trying-to-flirt-with-son's-girlfriend lame. If gods are willing, we'll get there. We'll get here.

Thanks to all of you for your patience and encouragement these days!





Keep up the good work lol. Can't wait see what you release.


Tell us the release date soon ! We can't wait too long : P Uncle Newman


Never new polar bears were that huge.

Lg... life is Good

Oh good god I love your guys posts. Keep up the amazing posts


When is the Update finally Comi'n?