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Hey there gang. Newman here,

Art for Alpha 0.03 is done! At least everything I had on the list. There may be surprises from today till release (more UI, an animation I didn't plan but would look cool, some resizing, maybe an error or two...), but the main bulk is done. As Akanoes keeps adding the story, we'll see what I can help him with or need to add.

But that's tomorrow. Today I introduce you to the second combat unit inside Fistrick's gang, the Hoes. They are every bit as dangerous as the Bros, alien laser guns in hand, but with the added problem of carrying a health kit or two to battle. You know the drill, defeat these hot healer sluts first, and the Bros won't stand a chance. Training with Shar is probably a good idea as well. But then again, when isn't? :D

New build coming soon! Kisses from the girls for all of you,

Newman out.




Not my type, these ladies. But, you should get some inspiration from hitman's ladies.


My first thought "Is Fistrick into fisting?" lol


No, but you can guess what a guy called As-muth is up to XD


Its good to see the progression of the game, i'm really curious and excited about the update ,since i know the team is spetacular, good job =D