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Hey, like, what's the rush, man? It's Newman, man, with a new character!

Sit wherever, light a fat one and hear this dude's groovy story.

Second-generation Floraunan, Undertown born and raised, he's never been outside Earth. His parents keep pushing him to get a job and a better flat, but he loves his garden. Pax has dedicated his whole life to keeping and cultivating weed from all around the universe.

His dream is to create the most exciting strains, with the most varied effects. Maybe one that makes you peckish for the weirdest sandwich combinations. Maybe one that doesn't take effect until weeks later, jumping on you on the most unexpected moment. A retroactive spliff which sends the high back in time, and hits you before you actually smoke it, so the only way of stopping the high is to roll one as soon as possible, making the effect disappear? Why not? It's been done with wine before.

But something threatens this dream. Annodyte dust. And Pax will fight that shit, even if it means helping the Plumbers. Fascist pigs...

More news soon!





Can't wait to train the new house cat X3

Matt Ahn

Ah yes, it appears some symbols remain universal, aliens or not. ;)


I still have to tweak the LUST requirement for some things. It's still to early to give you full control over her education. We'll see how you do it the first time, then decide if we want you in charge of the sweet thing, deal? XD


Man screw this piece of trash game


"Hey, like, what's the rush, man? It's Newman's new man, man."


Dude, don't play it if you don't like it, but if you don't have a proper criticism to make, go fuck yourself.


No, I'm just a foul-mouthed fuck :D. But seriously, why the hate?


Is it that it took us ages to get to this point? That Pax doesn't have boobs? No Grandpa Max vore? I like a good criticism, not just trash talk. Otherwise I can't help but get curious.


So tempted to make Pax talk like Shaggy. But the story leads somewhere else :D