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Hey there internet folk! Newman here with another report.

So. Lots has been done. Here's Akanoes' post on HIS side in case you are interested: https://www.patreon.com/posts/now-with-100-20881931

As for me, does my progress show in the pic? Barely. :D

It has been a week of fixing a lot of stuff I thought was done, improving UI details you only notice if they aren't there (they have to be there though), re-writing some lines and adding expression tags to the script so Akanoes knows what expression each character should have at any given time (this time the writing is really "DONE!", I shouldn't have been so hasty to declare it on the last report), adding expressions to a few characters, and working on the remaining 2 backgrounds for this alpha.

Only those 2 backgrounds are supposedly left for me to do, but of course my brain will find things to improve -I'm betting on combat- before the month is done. Then it's music and SFX (music practically done, SFX needs attention) and I'm done.

As for Akanoes, he has had his hands full. It's awesome to see how he is pushing Ren'py, despite it being designed solely for visual novels.

Hopefully, I have learnt my lesson on progress bars and estimates, and I can give you guys and gals more representative images from now on.

Nothing more for me to say, except to thank you again for your support. It's very cool to work in what I love, and you are making it happen. Just mindblowing this is happening to me. You rock, you fellow kinky pervs. Thanks,

