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I basically have all the movement frames and some of the action frames done (though i have to update the rest of the movement frames with the little design tweaks, which shouldn't take too long) - once i have the fall-over/stun sequence I'm hoping to start implementing the graphics ingame (at which point i gotta start working on an h-animation).



James Del Duca

Ah, beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing this in action. One thing I appreciate about your style is that you incorporate a lot of the original sprite, like the legs here and the Cyberdemon limbs, etc. If everything was totally replaced it just wouldn't be Doom enough. Speaking of Doom, any chance your next HDoom update will include some technical changes? I'm really holding out for the sex scenes to give gradual health regen instead of being untouchable. That way you're incentivized to save one demon for last in a firefight instead of just hopping from demon to demon with no repercussion. I miss playing this mod! Thank you HDG.

Segalow Inarabbita

It's good to see you're still alive and well during these trying times.


Looks amazing, can't wait to get killed by it while trying to stun it.

David Fensling

Looks incredible. Can't wait to see what kind of lewd scene you have for us in mind, HDG


Good stuff

Brendan Price

Looking good! Excited to see more. <3


Definitely looking forward to an update. Recently got an Oculus Quest and I've been playing HDoom in VR. A little disorienting at first, but totally worth it. If anyone is curious, I used SideQuest to install and run QuestZDoom Launcher, copied my game files to my Quest, dropped HDoom in a mods folder, and away I went. Anyway, you're doing some amazing work, and I'm super excited to experience all of the new updates and upgrades you've made since the last release. Keep it up, man!


She looks great. Your spritework is some truly amazing stuff. Can't wait to see what you come up with next :3 I also found your MGQ3D stuff a little while ago and that's really good and excellently well done too. I just discovered today that you have a patreon though, so apologies if I've missed anything but is there going to be any more updates to MGQ3D coming up in the future? I hope you're doing well and staying safe in this shitty situation the world is in right now.


She looks great, makes me think the big gun at her crotch is her vibrator


I found your work through a fragment of a second clip on a youtube meme collection and scoured the internet to find out more.