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Been slow lately due to the mental toll of this pandemic shit + overall burnout, but i'm still slowly pushing along on my projects as well as plinking away at some personal/practice work (some lewd, some not - might throw up a zip of that stuff on here in the near-future as a lil bonus), trying to get myself back in the swing of things.

Thanks for your continued patience and support!




Glad to hear you are okay! Maybe it's obvious from me pledging but I really am crazy about HDoom and similar things. Having a porn/hentai variant of such a legendary title is literally a dream come true.


Just glad to hear you're still staying safe and haven't been licking any door knobs or toilet seats

James Del Duca

Also glad to hear you are well enough. Haven't had a stranger vacation... Looking forward to an HDOOM update! (Please make the sex animations no longer invulnerable but it heals you slowly please please)


Holy shit that's beautiful. I'm saving that.


Thanks for the update! Small request: If possible, could the upload have the most recent build for your games? Leonora's debauchery featured MGQ3D today and I realized I have no idea where to find your builds.


Doubling down on the MGQ newest build if you don't mind. Wanted to check it out but couldn't get the build I was dealing with to work


Imagine: HDoom (2016) / HDoom Eternal