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Ok, here it is, the promised tech demo. I'll repeat that this is NOT the next full build for the game, it is a very stripped down version of the game that basically is just one scene, but designed to test and showcase how the sex scenes mechanic works now. The next full version of the game is still a little ways out, but assuming this goes over well, it will incorporate some or all of the changes made here.

So basically this is one scene, with a few different things you can turn on or off, you can probably figure it out yourself but there is a quick tutorial on the starting screen. Please let me know what you think about it, how it works, that sort of thing.



this should come out more interesting. i can't wait to start commanding some actions cause in this demo kitty can't cum. but her O face is nice though


love the new system, much more streamlined than before. I cant wait to try the full version


i am liking this keep up the good work cant wait to see Laura one day!!




Only comment is you might want to give names to actions for attribution when there is a third body. It switched between kitty and rogue once or twice where kitty had a named action, then immediately it used (she) for rogue, which caused a moment of confusion.


I click on download for pc and get "{ "errors": [ { "code": 902, "code_name": "AttachmentNotFound", "detail": "Attachment was not found.", "id": "140543484050600", "status": "404", "title": "Attachment was not found." } ] }"


Never mind 3rd time is the charm...


Yeah, I kind of noticed that at the last minute when I was testing the standalone version. I already implemented some stuff that should be able to fix that, I'll just expand where it's used. In the next overall build it should use the character's name each time.


I like how this isn't just a demo, but also a teaser for what is in store for us. I wouldn't mind seeing more of these, especially since you can use them as "user tests" and get feedback from us


Cant wait for the full build, no issues with the demo. My only critique would be Rogue looks awfully low-res, especially next to Kitty.


Sure, although for a lot of things, the hassle of splitting out the small version is more work than just putting out the full version. In this case I was testing a mechanic but hadn't yet "filled it" with all the options, so this was the easier way to do things.


Yeah, I've been thinking about that, Kitty's downscaled so that she looks better in close-up, Rogue's at closer to her natural resolution, and to fix that I'd have to re-export all her sprite pieces. Might be worth the effort though, it would certainly look better.


wow i can imagine the work it represent for you but i have to say this change is really nice, thank you so much for all you've done.


So, everything is just happening in Text? Sorry, but this is very disappointing. :(


Fair enough. I do plan a few new elements graphically, for example Kitty moved in to a closer position, and I want to add some new "mini animations" like how that hand fondles Rogue's breast. I want to add a feminine hand icon that girls use on themselves or the other girl uses on them. The point of this demo though was the test a mostly text-based system, and I want the art to reflect that action, but there are limitations to what I can reasonably implement here.

Paul Te

Have you thought about hiring some help when it comes to coding? Seems like that's mostly what takes up your time these days. There hasn't been a Patreon goal in a while and yeah I know splitting revenue isn't what anyone would want but I feel like the process has been slower these last few months compared to lets say a year ago. I don't know. What's your thoughts about that? Keep up the great work, like the new more dynamic system.


Be yourself, work like you want and do what you want, its your game and because of that looks great. Faster isnt always better.


There have been people who have offered to work on coding projects, good people that have turned in some good work, but ultimately a lot of what take the time is core design stuff, how a certain system flows, and then writing the content that goes there. I can't figure out a way to outsource that stuff to anyone without basically saying "hey, come up with a whole system to have necking" and I guess I'm too much of a control freak for that. Besides, the "puzzle" aspect of it is half the fun. ;) That said, if anyone could figure out a way within Renpy to have animations that can be used inside live composite sprites, and repeat indefinitely, but that can also have transitionary animations so that you can smoothly flow from one to the next, I'd drop a wad of money on them. So far nobody I've talked to has been able to make it work, it's not something Renpy is designed to handle, in the current implementation once you start an animation inside a live composite looping, it just loops indefinitely, while any finite animations will just play once and never play again until the user reboots, even if you try to call it again later. It's pretty annoying. I think the area I'm moving into outsourcing is some of the art stuff. I still want to set the tone, do the most core aspects of the artwork myself, but I can pass along certain projects, like I currently have an artist working on translating outfits onto a new body pose, pretty much from scratch. I'd also be open to finding someone with established erotica writing cred to workshop some scenarios, which I could then convert into playable elements.


From personal experience, trying to get Oni's animations to work in Ren'Py is very difficult :) The fact that Oni has gotten as much working as he has is quite impressive - Ren'Py really isn't up to the task of complex animations that will not allow transitioning to a different one until a pre-defined point in the animation.


Really like the new system, the only thing would be if the MC starts fondling the females breasts and a second female joins to have the second female shift to folding the main females vagina. Which could have the main female reciprocate when she would start fondling herself.

Victor Lewis

I like the look of the new sex system. The only grievance i have is with kitty in the back ground. Even though rogue is the one giving the hand job kitty just has her lips puckered. Maybe the cock is long enough for rogue to have the top have and kitty the bottom. Or let kitty fondle the balls. The other thing is i cant grope kitty's and rogues breasts. But as i said i enjoy the demo the work you put into a basic play through shows.


Well, there are two breasts to work with. ;) That said, the plan is to have the second girl decide what to do (unless told to do otherwise), based on what the player is doing, basically "filling an open slot," as it were. Same with the lead girl, her secondary action will be based on what isn't being done. If you change activities, then it should work out that both girls would re-evaluate what they are doing, and maybe shift to something else. That isn't in yet, but shouldn't be too hard to throw together based on what's already there. Of course I do want to throw in some wildcard possibilities, like a very obedient relationship she would stay out of your way and do whatever she's told, whereas a more impulsive relationship, maybe she does what she wants even if that means bumping you out of the way a bit. ;)


Yeah, as for that. . . we'll see. I played around with her position a bit to find something that looked cute, but the degree to which she can actively participate is complicated. If "Girl A" is giving a handy, maybe "Girl B" can lick it a bit. If Girl A is giving a BJ, maybe Girl B can be nearby somehow, but the animations would conflict a bit too much for them to actually share, I would need to build an entirely separate set of art and animations to make that work, and we'll see, but I doubt it will be happening any time soon. I hope that the feminine groping hands will help to give Kitty more of a visual presence in the scene, and the text will give her multiple possible roles to play in the action, but there are limitations to how well the art can reflect it. As for fondling two girls at once (or doing other things like that), it may be possible, but only in certain cases. If you're getting a handy, for example, it'll probably be limited to one girl getting fondled at a time, although if your primary action is fondling a girl's breasts, maybe your secondary can be fondling the other one, and maybe one of them could jerk you off at the same time (with a mini-animation). We'll see. . .


This new system seams promising, but if i undersood that correctly, it will also mean a lot of work, because with two girls their is a lot more combinations that with a single one... and if you add toys to the mix it's even more "complicated". Let's say that MC and Rogue are on a vaginal intercourse, Kitty can play with rogue tits, ass etc, or play with herself and ask the MC to switch with rogue and vice versa etc etc. Very promising, but again good luck in trying to put all this combinations to work and look great visually.


Yeah, it can get complicated, but I think I've got the gist of it figured out based on previous work.

Paul Te

Alright seems fair enough. I'm glad you're not completely ruling out outsourcing and can understand why you won't be doing it for coding. Also very much excited about this new body pose. Thanks for your answer.


Hey Oni! Loving the game so far and I was wondering since you implemented Kitty if you were going to add a similar "asshole" path for her as well? I know it mostly relied on the addiction mechanic, which is specific to Rogue, but I thought it was a nice path that I liked to take when beginning a new game. Anyway, keep up the good work, can't wait to see what you have in store!


Yeah, still waffling on the best way to implement that one. Eventually.


Hate to sound like a nag, but... can we get an update on hoy you're doing. Even an I'm still here...


Yea i would also be interested in thus, im a patient man, i just like the game a lot so would be nice to see where oni is at.