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 It's been a little while since the last update, but I've been answering questions along the way, so I thought I'd sum up where I'm at. The next full release will still be a few weeks away, I've been working on a lot of stuff but a lot of it won't be ready until a later release, so it's all about bundling up what I feel is enough to justify a new release for you guys.   

In the shorter term though, I'm currently in the testing phase of the new sex scene system, which I plan to release to you guys soon in the form of a standalone demo. It'll be what they call a "vertical slice," just one example of each potential element of the system, so you can see how it plays out. It will be very short and simple, basically one sex scene that starts in the middle, but it'll show how the new dialog can occur.   

The intention of this system is to be a bit more flexible, so that it can account for more simultaneous actions. The previous system would attempt to bundle all things happening per cycle into a single line of dialog, but this could get overly long, so the new system breaks it up into as many as three separate lines per cycle. I'd like you guys to test out this concept, see if it fits, and if so, I can continue expanding it to all similar elements in the game. Again, I'll get this part out as soon as I've done basic testing on it to make sure it works as intended.  



Pleeeeease tell me we're getting more Kitty Pryde in this update :)


Well, the next full update, definitely. The tech demo I'm putting out first though, will have Kitty in it, in basically a preview of the threesome role (She'll be interacting with Rogue as rogue interacts with you).


So from what I've gotten from the comments the next update will have; Kitty full dating and second hairstyle, maybe the improved sex features. Is that right?


Seeing updates for Rogue-Like are the best.


hallelujah. Thank you Oni for the update


Nice look forward to it.


Yes, definitely the first stuff, MAYBE the improved sex features, the problem there is that it overhaul the existing stuff, so it might be too disruptive to add this round without even further delays, but ideally it could just be slotted in, at least the basics of it. I have to do some more writing to flesh it out. For example, since this is a vertical slice, Kitty will have exactly one threesome role available to her, so you guys can see what that's like. In final implementation there would be a dozen or so options, but I still need to actually write out the content to do that. I also need to go through and tweak how many of the other elements work along the way, but it could be relatively quick work.


Awesome can't wait to test it out


Can't wait to try it! Thanks!!!

André Niemand

Right. Can't wait to get my mittens on this.


good luck with all the work oni !


that's so good.Where is dowmload link?

Jonathan Heard

still having fun with the previous build looking forward to the build that's gonna add some serious fun with kitty


can i use old version save at new version?


That's the goal, although sometimes there are bugs. Give it a try, and if you encounter any bugs, let me know so I can fix them.


We getting a download soon?


Yeah, I've already split the new stuff off into its own folder and started testing to make sure it works without all the other things from the full game, so it shouldn't be long now.

Black cat

Can u plz tell me what the time release ???


I'd love to know when it comes out too. It feels like forever waiting for this game to be released.

Black cat

Release date plz??? . Oni


Well done