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Hey, I just wanted to give you guys a heads up as to what's going on. Basically the art is done for what's going into this next release (aside from a few slight tweaks), and it's basically feature locked, which means no new stuff is being added between now and release. I've tested it a little too, but still need a couple days to bolt everything down, but if all goes smoothly, I should have a version 0.972 out soon.

This next version will feature Kitty's BJ and HJ scenes, and body piercings, along with various other minor tweaks that I forget.



waiting with bells and whistles on

Prof. Walker

Looking forward to it


Just by curiosity, we will able to enter in kitty's room in this version?


Not this one, because I want to wrap this one up and get it out to you, although I might try to get that stuff implemented as I work on bug fixes for this version, so that it might make the last patch of this cycle. I don't have new art for it though, which I kind of wanted, so it would at best be a copy-paste of the existing Rogue's room.

Princess Raven

i love you what ur doing is amazing.i shall name my next 5 children after you! they'll be imaginary and rogue wont like it but... what ev's i owe you so there! :D lol keep up the good work


I Cant wait to see X-21 and Keep up the good work boss man !!!


Excited for the new update. I have an idea about the rooms. Since they live and a dormitory most of the rooms look about the same. Throw in a pallet swap and image flip should cover the students. Then for the Teachers room more elegant and somewhat personalized.


Yeah, although I already did that with the player's room. ;) I'll definitely get around to a more creative version of it at some point, but I guess for the time being the gameplay would take priority.


i know you said a lot of work goes into making theo positions of the characters during the sex scenes but isn't there a way to flipflop the girls scense with alternate dialog? like use some of the assets from rogues doggy style for kitty and the same for her missionary position (when completed). this way it the girls would have another level of verity in their sex options (not counting the fore play) since currently they will only be able to bang in one position....every time...i'm just saying... the ability to flip your lady over while making love is something powerful indeed. especially if you want to look her right in the eye....or maybe i have said too much...lol


Well, they have at least slightly different body shapes, for one thing, so even if I did just stick their heads on each others bodies (which I could theoretically do in some cases), it wouldn't look right. Then there's the matter of clothing. In a 3D game, you can make it in such a way that one clothing item can be fit to numerous characters, but with hand drawn, each piece needs to be redrawn in each mode. Doing a purely nude position isn't all that hard, although it would still take many hours of work in total. But making sure that it has all the various customization potentials makes it much more time consuming, both for me and Jansither (who's currently working on some of the clothing options for a certain pose). Again, it's something I could maybe do eventually, especially if I get some more artists capable of duplicating my style, but it's always a tradeoff. adding one new sex pose for a character is an equivalent amount of art to doing an entirely new character sprite, and adding a second sex pose for Rogue and Kitty each would be almost as much work as will eventually be going into the third character's artwork.


oh and side question. Have you ever thought of an opposite version of this game? maybe a version where you are dating one of the girls from the brotherhood of mutants. like wanda, lorna( cant remember if she was in that show or not), or mystique...for example.


It wouldn't likely be a separate game, it'd just be an expansion. Wanda is one of the characters within the "top ten for inclusion, hopefully I'll get to her eventually, but if I do, she'd either be just reformed enough that she'd be a student at Xaviers (but still a bad girl), or I'd make the Brotherhood house another location to visit in the game.


ok got and that's fair. that would be a huge headache in the grand scheme of things. anyway, good luck with with your current work load... the though of doing it make my head hurt...lol


Hey Oni I had a question. Do you think your coding skills are getting better or are about the same from say, a few months ago? I am just wondering since it looks like you are starting to make increasingly difficult changes to the engine which is awesome but I am just wondering how your skill is right now? Do you ever think you will get tot he point where you are releasing faster updates? Keep up the good work man!


To be honest, I haven't done a lot of actual "coding" lately. I mean, I've been working in the code, obviously, adding new things for Kitty and all that, but most of it is stuff I've done before, copy and pasting the existing code and then editing dialog, tweaking variables, that sort of thing. There hasn't been a lot of completely new and untested elements that required me to think up new things. And of course a lot of my time for this build was in artwork and animation. I do have a plan in mind for a new method that I want to apply to how primary and secondary activities work, which I think will help when we get into full threesomes, but I held off on working on it until I could get this build out, and I don't think it'll require too much innovation, just a sort of reorganization of things. I do want to get faster releases though, and hopefully the next one will be faster, especially once I finish Kitty's sex scene art.


Good news, thank you


So will we have to wait for the next update (0.973) to take Kitty out on dates and bed her?


Well, now that you mention it, it has been a while without adding dates. The first (buggy beta) release of version 0.972 will not have dating, because I really want to focus on getting it out this weekend, but I'll immediately get onto the dating element, and a direct port at least shouldn't take long, so I can probably have it out for the 0.972a or b or wherever we get before I'm satisfied that there are no showstopper bugs. That way you at least won't have to wait a month or more for it to come with the next release. Sleepovers will likely have to wait a bit longer though, there are some complexities to that and I don't want to commit to rushing it.


Two quick questions. Will the girls' hair be wet after they follow you into the shower now and will Kitty be able to climax? Thanks, sorry if I'm a bother.

Victor Lewis

So will next months build have any sex art? And how many women do you think will added to the game before you are finished?


Not sure on the next build. And as for other girls, there are at minimum 2-3 more girls I'd like to get in, but the list is theoretically infinite.

Victor Lewis

Well I was just wondering after the 2 - 3 girls you put in the game.... what next?

Victor Lewis

Are you going to just continue to add more girls?


I don't have concrete plans that far out. My plan right now is to just continue to expand the characters and the gameplay elements available in this game for as long as I'm interested in the project and there are fans interested in seeing it. If there comes a time where I get tired of the concept, or really excited about pursuing something else, then maybe I'll test the waters and see if people are interested in that too, but for the time being, I think this is plenty of space to explore my creativity.


Could we please have an .apk version uploaded as well? Even if it is unsupported overall.

Victor Lewis

Like a star wars dating sim


I can't predict the future, things might change, but for the time being, my intention is to keep adding girls, keep adding new features, I mean I love the X-Men, and there are dozens of lovely x-ladies to pull from, and it'd even be possible to start pulling in characters from outside the mutantverse if I wanted.


I'd love to see that happen, I've heard of various halfhearted attempts at it in the past, but I don't see myself committing to such a project any time soon. If anyone does want to make one though, I'd happily consult on it.


Maybe. I realized that the older version of Renpy I'm using doesn't support exporting to Android, but I might try shifting to the updated version. Likely what I'll do is get 0.972 into a non-buggy form, and then try exporting it again from the latest version of Renpy, and let people test that out. I've upgraded versions in the past without incident, and someone was nice enough to do some testing on this earlier and didn't find any problems, so hopefully it will be safe.


It's time guys get hyped

Victor Lewis

so when can we expect the game to be coming out?

Victor Lewis

I have rarely ever had an error come up.


Hi what is going on I tried to become a patron 2 times because there was an error. I was charged 2 times but it says pending on my banking app. Its strange because I became a patron for Nergal's nest an hour after without any problems. I also attempted to message online support for Patreon but no dice. Any help or clarification would be appreciated. Also I fell in love with your game, it is a shame that the current patch is bugged out. I look forward to your future updates."Hope you add some sexual content with kitty not just hj or bj."


1. I'm sorry to hear about that, but I really have no control over the payment side of things, that's all handled by Patreon. They should resolve it, but I imagine this time of month is full of support requests since they are processing all the payments. 2. Yeah, the current version is still in bug testing, but I should have a more stable version within a few days of iteration. All part of the process. 3. And yeah, definitely will be more to do with Kitty in future updates.


Is Kitty's BJ face going to be changed? It looks sort of weird.


Well, what parts do you find weird, what would you prefer to be different? I can't make any promises other than that I'll consider it.


Hey Oni. I have to say, I love your work on this game and how much detail and time you put into making it. I even wonder what you will put in the next update for the game and what you will do once the game is fully complete. Like, will this be the only game you will do or is there maybe more to come?


For the time being, I have no plans to work on another game. My current plan is to keep expanding the characters and options available in this one. If at some point I do get inspired to work on something completely different, I'll make sure to give everyone plenty of warning about it, but honestly I think I can fit anything I want to do within this format.


YES!!!!! New Update Time!!!! Wonder what you are putting in it.


Just wondering if you'll have a free version coming out?

Inceton games

I love your work on this game! It looks awesome!


I distribute the game through my Patreon, and have it at the $1 level so that people who have signed up (and confirmed their age) can access it. That said, you can probably find copies of it elsewhere, because the Internet.


Very nice