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Hey guys, I've been told I've been a bit quiet about the game lately. Sorry. I did respond to a few comment section questions over the past couple weeks, but I guess I haven't done any official blog posts, so here's one.

Yes, the game is progressing nicely, I've mostly been working on the art and animation for this situation. The body below the head looks a little janky at the moment because it reusues the existing sprite elements, but I actually have a whole separate body that still needs its wardrobe and can add that later.

I wanted to give a little info on how I'm adding her scenes to the game. The first phase is the simplest, I just take one of Rogue's files, copy/paste it, and rename it to Kitty. ;) Then I have to go through and use the replace function to swap out all the Rogue signifiers for Kitty ones. This can be compleicated on parts where Kitty already exists in Rogue's code, I've got to make sure to separate those out first. Some dataminers out there might have noticed that there are portions of Kitty's code hiding in the released version which are basically just Rogue's stuff, but isn't meant to be reached by the players because I hadn't gotten to the next step (like how some of her room content was available).

But then it's on to the real work, the next step is to get the dialog right, to run through each option and trade out Rogue's lines to something Kitty would say. Then I make a second pass where I double check all the approval checks, and make sure to account for places where Kitty would be more or less likely to do that thing. Then I need to adjust the stat pay-outs similarly. I want to make sure that each has a slightly different feel. And as I go through this, I might get inspired to add a new little feature here or there, something that could work a little better than how I'd had it.

I've still got some work to do, so the next release should be at lteast a couple weeks away, but it should have some fun elements like the piercings art (whcih is done, but not yet added to the game), the scene above, some more water effects, etc. Sorry again about the delay, but I hope it'll be worth the wait. 




Hey Oni, Thanks for the update. I'm not sure what program you're using to write the code with but from what I've done with ren'py I use Notepad++ and set the Style Configurator to python. Helps a ton with coding and trouble shooting IMO. You can also highlight something (like a name) and it with show you where that shows up in all the document. Anywho just thought I'd put that out there. Keep up the great work. Ps. Type this on my broken phone so sorry if there's autocorrect issues. Will fix when I get to a PC.


I use Editra (which I've heard is not the best, but I like it well enough). It's got good batch-replacing, and also a solid search element that puts the list of found words in the bottom pane.


Great to hear from You Oni. Thanks for the info, don't worry it takes time to add another bunch of content into the game and then the seeking of the bugs might consume You totally. Can't wait for another update, but an update post is also ok, at least you're able to give a hint about progress and stuff :P GLHF Ps. Kitty looks really neat.

Paul Te

Thanks for the update. I didn't expect anything so soon after writing that comment earlier but it is appreciated. Looking forward to the next release. Keep up the good work.


Is Kitty going to have an addiction mechanic? I just kind of always assumed she would, like it was part of the character's power. Thanks for the update, looking forward to it.


In the past it has been said that Oni doesn't know how to feel about the addiction mechanic regarding Kitty. It might be a Rogue only thing or it might be a higher level player thing, (the ability to addict more girls to himself at once.) Unless Oni's changed his mind about things, that's about where I remember it to be at.

Victor Lewis

These things take time especially if you are doing everything by yourself. Its easy for a person to complain about not getting an update. When they dont know how much work goes into making a game. I cant wait until it comes out.


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m4mykKnGjw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m4mykKnGjw</a>


Well, I tried to write my program in a way that I could keep track of. Everything is pretty clearly labeled and I comment things as best I can so that I can remember what each part does. There's a lot to it, but it flows in an orderly fashion, so I don't think I'll get too lost. ;)


Good shit fam, text me when all her solo scenes are done.


UGH, this is the definition of a teaser. Shame on you Oni! All kidding aside, can't wait to take Kitty for a ride.

Victor Lewis

Are we going to be able to have sex with kitty in the next release?


The goal right now is handjobs and blowjobs. I still need to finish up the artwork for the sex stuff.


Just a question, will Kitty finally be able to orgasm. I feel bad leaving her hanging. Even if she is just code.


Will RL have a secret cow level?


Sooo Oni after you finish Kitty what is next another girl or more story/events?


Well, I hope to add some more story and event stuff as I go through the process, like a little of this, a little of that. It helps keep things fresh if I don't focus on one area for too long, and it's best to get things down when they inspire me. I may start on the next girl, because some of the art elements take a lot of time after I get started and are sort of a separate process from the writing/coding stuff, but I hope to add more to Kitty and Rogue's experiences before getting too bogged down in the third girl. The current major goal is to "make Kitty equal to Rogue," the next one after that is "add true threesome and interactivity between them," but with some other fun stuff in between.


Will kitty have an addiction like rogue? Could i treat kitty poorly and still get naughty time like i do with rogue? Cause to me the best feature is what type of approach you can take and from what angle. Love your work


Somebody (Sovereign Arimi) asked exactly that in one of the comments above. ^^ The tl;dr of Oni's answer is: "She'll have some sort of coercion mechanic like Rogue but it's still being brainstormed and won't be implemented until Kitty is pretty much done."


Will you implement something that will allow us to keep maybe only our progression with Kitty and Rogue? So that we won't have to begin all over again with every update (Kitty's "heart" is kinda hard to win)?


I have another question. I'm not an impatient dick or anything but when will thr next update likely come out you think :3


Sorry, I've been offline for most of the week, pain in the ass. I'm trying to get things back into order and get the next release out though. A week or two, tops.


Hi Oni, I would ask you if you have planned to add NPC that can help player in some ways (by giving access to unique pieces of clothes, by giving you access to new location for dates for example).The Xavier institute is potentially full with potential buddies that could help the player against some “friendship points”. It would be also a good way for adding some mini quests in order to please them (help someone to peep in a teacher’s bedroom thanks to Kitty’s special skill for example). It would be great to some other people walking around the institute, it feels a bit like a ghost town for now… ^^’ Anyway, I absolutly love what you did so far.


I should add some NPCs at some point, it mostly comes down to time.


Loving the game, but I have a question. Right now, all of Rogue's custom outfits have her either topless or bottomless, but there's no reaction by anyone, even when she's running around public areas on campus or on dates. While I don't want Xavier butting in, I would love to see that people are reacting to her state of undress, either by leering or calling her names or whatever. Is that something that will be added in at some point?

Victor Lewis

Will we be able to touch kitty in the next build?

Victor Lewis

And i cant wait for the game.


Well, you can sort of touch her in the current build, kissing, hugging, I think slapping her ass is in. ;) But yeah, a lot of the other options still aren't in. The upcoming build will have handjobs and blowjobs though, with more to come later.


There was a glitch with custom outfits at one point, and for some people this hasn't quite been fixed yet. I might need to run a process that fixes it. As to public reaction, yeah, they tend to be quiet about such things, and that should be something to work on, making there be more public commentary on what the girls are up to.

Victor Lewis

so after rogue like is finished do you have any plans to make any more games?

Victor Lewis

And I meant grouping, sorry.


Yeah, that won't be in this version, but will likely be next up as a feature.


Well, I kind of view Rogue-Like as a sort of continuing project, like an MMO. I'd like to continue to expand it with new characters added and new features, and I've been designing the game so far with that in mind, a flexible module-based system (or at least as best I could do for a first attempt at such a thing that began with very limited programming experience). ;) Would I like to build out completely different games with completely different character or perhaps gameplay? Sure, I'm inspired from time to time to consider it, but I just can't split my focus like that, and the Rogue-Like format gives me plenty of room to stretch out and add new things. Maybe if I ended up getting enough people together that could independently work on certain elements I'd like to play a role in developing out some other projects, but not if it means slowing down my progress here, and I have no short-term plans like that.


I know the topic of sound has been addressed in the past, but how would you feel about having some background tracks play eventually? Maybe even some text scroll sounds, so it feels a bit more like a VN. I know thats a ton of work, just wondering how you felt about it if you found somebody else who could do it.


I've actually had offers to provide me a track or two in the past. I don't know, I sort of feel like I'm in a catch 22 on that one. On the one hand, I respect the power of sound in a game too much to do a sloppy job of it, if I do have audio, I want it to be right, songs that fit the game, are reasonably well coordinated, etc. On the other hand, I can't claim to be much of an expert on music, so I can't make it myself, nor do I think I could be a great "customer" to a musician in terms of explaining what I want to hear in terms that make sense to anyone else. Having dealt with some art commission customers in the past that have trouble articulating what they want beyond "that's not it. . . not that either. . .", I don't want to put a fellow artist through that any more than I have to. ;) So if I commit to getting audio in, it would be committing to doing it right, and that means a lot of work and an understanding collaborator. For the time being, I'd rather focus more on other aspects of the game. I'm still considering adding a few sound effects though, like maybe some sort of sting when you do something positive or negative? But until then, people can always just play their own music in the background. ;)


Just a reminder question because I don't feel like digging through all the old comments to find it: Did you say this update or an update sometime soon would allow for Rogue to wear her green mesh top without collars and cuffs?


I'm so excited. I still keep coming back here looking for that big update

Prof. Walker

Question, when you mess around with Rogue with Kitty still in the room and she notices but chooses to stay and watch, what are future plans with that? Rogue doesn't seem to care at all, maybe have Kitty play with herself in the background? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Yeah, that's sort of half a hook at the moment, the goal is to have Kitty figure out some way to make herself useful, but her options are limited at the moment.


What will you be doing when it comes to sex with Kity? Will it be doggy style like Rogue or do you have another position in mind?


There's a sketch buried somewhere in the Patreon post history, but basically her sex position is more of a missionary position. Face-on.


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/little-something-5791481">https://www.patreon.com/posts/little-something-5791481</a> This seems to be the link you mentioned. Will there be alternative sex scenes for the characters? As there was a different angle for Rogue before it was discontinued to technical difficulties, if I remember correctly.


Alternate poses are unlikely, because a lot of work goes into each of them with the customization options I have. The first Rogue "alternate pose" was because it was still a work in progress and I didn't like how it turned out. It's possible, but only if I can bring more artists on board than I currently have, because for the time being, my focus is on making the current assets.