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So I was writing a joke and I realized that all of the costumes the characters are used are based on videogames that existed before the cartoon, so technically they could have canonically played them before the show. Except for RE8. Still worth it. Of course the rest of the game is obviously set more in the present than in 2000, but it was still a fun coincidence. Now I'm in the middle of deciding whether to actually write code that is itself "meta" for a certain scene, or just fake it. . . probably fake it.

Anyway, I'm mostly done with the more "generic" aspects of Gwen's content, the dating scenes, random encounters, all that sort of stuff, and have most of the artwork going into 1.1 finished as well. I'm always iterating on that stuff, I've redone her hair like 3-4 times at this point. Right now I'm working on more of her unique encounter scenes. I think I might change up the usual pattern of "relationship" scenes a bit, dialing back the content included in those, and adding it to other encounters (the total amount of "story" involving her will be the same or more though).  I'm aiming for a few weeks out at this point, probably. 



You should add more x-men first and other marvel characters later. I would like Mystic in the game or psylock.


so let me get this straight you can turn yourself into a female but you can't play with yourself and no one sucks on your breasts… speaking of breasts what about breast size for your character and why does no one acknowledge them I guess adding a female character that you can play as just gives you more options not to mention an Futa where it's a mixture of the two


more content with professor x would be sweet, i want to fuck the wheelchair man


can you add a Sex Menu option to the good morning menu when you have a girl stay over and she doesnt initiate.


That would be nice. I'd like the ability to wake the girl up with oral.


Sorry to ask this but will Futa Zero be a thing ?


This is something I might work on in future versions. It's actually technically possible for the girl you're with to start sucking your nipples, but it's a bit random. There are also some girls that will note your breasts when you first see theirs, but it doesn't come up often. Like with a lot of physical features of the player character, I currently leave if vague and up to the player's imagination what sort of breasts they believe their Zero to have. I've been considering including your breasts along the bottom of the screen in some activities, but I don't know how many options I would want to provide there just to keep things manageable.


I'll see what I can add. You can always just start something from the chat menu when you regain full control, or if they try to leave for an activity, ask them to stick around.


And will futa zero have both the dick and the vag ?


Uhm, well the "futa" takes the vag's place in Irl so I believe the answer would be no but you never know... Oni has a creative mindset.


Not rlly, some futa have vag under their balls


And I feel weird talking about Futa here lol


You ever thought about adding stiff nipples to the girls?


I may have asked this before (I have a terrible memory). Is there a way to make the girls more dominant? I think it would be perfect for Laura.


Thought about it. A lot of it comes down to needing to add some more checks to the sprite models, similar to how piercings can be over clothing. I'd also need to do alt shirts and bras to account for them being more pointy.


At the moment, not quite. They can be more *assertive,* in that they might be more willing to come after you for sex, or to change up sex positions to be more direct, but there isn't currently an option to make them truly "dominant" in the relationship. I may add some options here at some point.


Hey just a suggestion but when texting one of the girls there should be an option to go to them.


Would work great for girls like Laura, Emma or Jean. Sure I like to dominate some of the girls but sometimes I want that dommy mommy too


I can't seem to find the blackmail material for Kitty I found the keys and the money but now every time it just sets off an alarm.


Hi oni any news on the update?


Just try another night but TOGETHER with Kitty and it should be in the left or right drawer. The bookshelf is the moeny stash, the middle drawer contains the keyring and the other 2 contain character material but need the respective girl in the room. Also it´s a little random if you find anything at all, trip the alarm immediately or get the hint to search further. (Can be cheesed a little bit with quicksave and -loading ;P)


The state would probably be "imminent." I'm mostly just noodling around at this point, dotting t's and crossing i's, I think most of the major work for this one is finished by this point, but there a little something I'd like to get in.


Awesome, great that progress has been smooth-ish? Keep the great work man.

Jelly (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 07:26:48 Oh Oni while eating out rogues pussy in doggy mode her pubic hair doesn't align to her pussy at all & it looks like it's awkwardly growing inside the vagina.
2023-03-01 02:11:55 Oh Oni while eating out rogues pussy in doggy mode her pubic hair doesn't align to her pussy at all & it looks like it's awkwardly growing inside the vagina.

Oh Oni while eating out rogues pussy in doggy mode her pubic hair doesn't align to her pussy at all & it looks like it's awkwardly growing inside the vagina.


im·mi·nent /ˈimənənt/ adjective 1. about to happen. "they were in imminent danger of being swept away" 2. ARCHAIC overhanging. Enjoy the anticipation :)