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Ok, a few days into the poll I can see the writing on the wall, Wanda is a shoe-in, so I disconnected from social media for the month and spent that time writing all her story content. . . wait, Gwen won?! Delete, delete, delete. . .

Ok, kidding, there is no content done for either of them, but I have been hard at work with other parts of the game and I really think you guys will enjoy 1.0 when it releases. As I said earlier, it's mainly going to be polishing up existing systems and adding a few more new features for the game as a whole. One thing I've been doing is going through and tweaking the doggy animations a bit, and making sure that they all have the full set of support options (like displaying fondling sub-animations). One other thing I can note is that I got around to adding pantyhose and torn pantyhose for Laura, don't know how I skipped out on that for so long.

But Gwen won the poll and I have a lot of fun ideas for her in version 1.1, scheduled for sometime in 2025 if the pacing of previous release versions is any indication. Or more likely mid-spring next year. I might end up getting a little more cameo content for her for 1.0, we'll see. As for 1.0, I'm aiming for sometime this month, hopefully, or at least early next month. I've got most of the "must launch" aspects done, so we'll see how many "maybe" aspects get added to this version and which get pushed to a later one. 



Finally Gwen won! Big fan, my heart always dropped when she would come second to someone else.


Is the footjob animation for Jubilee a thing or not gonna happen?


Yeah, should be in, are there situations where you think it should be available but aren't seeing it? I may have forgotten to remove some "handbrake" at some point.

Grave D Devil

I'm kinda surprised Mystique has never an option because how know she is or is it because she a shape shifter it would be pointless to consider her an option. Feel free to ignore this I'm just spitballing an option if you ever run out of ideas or girls to add. Keep up the great work the game gets better with every update 👍


Any news?


Agreed I thought about Mystique many times especially since there is a history reference for Xavier


I'm excited to see what QoL changes will come in v1.0. Especially looking forward to the possible completion of dressing room sex ;)


I think one way you could do Mystique would be to have her transform into other marvel super heroines in the sex options menu. Like keep it simple and do a different girl for a different position. Idk could be a fun way to get other characters involved that aren’t directly related to the X-men.


Um. . . I fixed the issue with some of Rogue's stockings being mismatched tones?


i would like to prefer outdoor vibrator


just an idea to spice up the school related events. You could make use of the vibrator in the class and basically do like edging of sorts. or you could do make girls wear the vibrators on certain days and have an option to turn it on when in the same room as them.


Will the dildos and vibrators be visible at some point? I’ve never been able to see them when using them


Not all girls have that animation. Rogue is the only one I know off the top of my head.


Are we still on track for 1.0 this month? Not that I mind if you release it one minute before the new year. Hell, slip into January if you need to.


Hopefully. I keep bouncing between "it's nearly done!" and "there's still so much to do!"


Merry Christmas everyone and hope you are having a wonderful day today.


Ye Merry Xmas ye ding dongs even if you live in the future!