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Ok, I swear I intended to get the game out to you guys tomorrow, but then I had a power outage most of the day, and that can tend to make my computer a bit flaky after the outage, so. . . maybe still tomorrow, but maybe pushed back a day or two. I will tell you that most of the work is done now. At least enough for a first version for the bug-hunters to tear apart. I have most of the actual art finished and in game, I still need to do some of the fluid dynamics, but that shouldn't take too long. I have the written content finished up, but still need to do a run-through and make sure it all works. There will still likely be some glitches when I'm done, but I can at least catch the most glaring ones. :D

So what will be in this one?
- two new poses for Jubilee, both her forward and rear facing sex poses, and the sex actions that go with them.
- A new outfit for Jubilee
- Halloween content for Jubilee

Not a lot for the other girls, I have some serious plans for the next version though. Serious.



Agreed, take your time. That sucks about the power outage. If we get it tomorrow then that would be cool but if we have to wait a day or two extra then that's cool too. I can't wait to see what you've done.

Heracullum Imperator

What's flaky on the machine if you need some tech support I think I might have some things that can help


I wish I could know. :D It's something where sometimes, for no apparent reason, everything freezes and I need to manually reboot the computer. If a video is playing, the speakers make a quick buzz before shutting down. I should point out that this does not *appear* to have anything to do with my actions, it most often happens during basic web surfing and stuff that I would do every day, not when pushing the limits with a serious game or software. This used to happen often, but then stopped happening at all for a year or so, then has happened once or twice lately, including about an hour after restarting my computer after the blackout. I'd thought I'd nailed it down to putting the computer on "Standby mode," and stopping doing that seems to have helped, I tried "hibernating" through the blackout, and that doesn't always hurt, but was maybe responsible here.

Heracullum Imperator

Hmmm you have a tower PC correct? You may have a faulty power supply or something may be up with your motherboard. It sounds like your power distribution may be a bit messed up. I'll do some digging.


Let's goooooooooo


Yeah, maybe. The weird thing is how unpredictable it is, like how I can do things that should seriously stress it out, and it runs fine for hours, but then if I do the same thing I do every day, nothing fancy at all, it locks up. And I had a period where it was at least 2-3 times per month, and others where it was a year or more in between. Power supply is a likely issue, and I've been wanting to build a completely new PC for a while now, but sourcing components was bullshit when these problems were are their worst, and even now there's so much hassle to it with the new cards.

Heracullum Imperator

I would recommend getting a new power supply up front as you'll need one for the rebuild anyway and if you can slam your gpu just fine and not have problems(renders and intense gaming) and not have problems I'd blame the power supply. I'd also recommend buying a current gen gpu from either company (amd/Nvidia) as they are falling to the point 3060s are being given away with monitors

Bonifacio Mario Peña Jr.

Cheapest option would be to get a UPS? 5-10 mins of power should be enough time for you to save and shut down so that nothing gets damaged/lost.


Woo!!! Can't wait to test it out!


Also hopefully the PC didn't have some serious issues :( sending much love out!


Oooh, I could also use a new monitor. . . :D And yeah, I haven't *lost* anything due to the power going out, I just wasn't able to work on anything *new* while the power was out, so I lost time that I'd planned to spend on testing and finishing the final touches. The freezing hasn't really lost any actual work any time recently either, but years ago I had plenty of either system or Photoshop crashes that cost me 15-30 minutes of work because I just forgot to save for some reason. I've become pretty compulsive about it since. The freezing is mainly only an issue in that it's unpredictability gives me anxiety, like walking across a frozen lake. :D


Great to hear from you Oni! Take the time you need. I am looking forward to the new content but have no interest in rushing you. Thanks for all your great work!

Kirindel Ront

Does this mean that all work on Jubilee is finished? I'm looking forward to new content, as I'm at a loss for what to expect, since you announce big plans for a future update. Will this be a new pose for all girls? Or maybe a new pack of clothes? Story promotion? New location? Prerequisites for voting for a new girl (although this is still a long way off, as for me)? Let's say I'd like to see a library or infirmary someday in the future, as you can make interesting cutscenes with them.

philip brown

that is great news!!. also don't worry about delays, they happen. take the time you need to make it right. plenty people here know you bring out great work. and is worth waiting for


Surprised you haven't just built a new PC. If you're antsy about it but all the parts and get someone to build it for you. Alot of prices are obscene but unless you're running seven monitors at 4k modern hardware is damned good for wat it is.


For now. This will mean she is caught up to the other girls and as "feature complete" as they are. I do plan to continue to add new content that will expand all the girl's options or include them in new activities. I will say for new settings, I might add some in future, just having a new background is not a big deal, but I like to have a "point" to any new backgrounds, some unique activities that can take place there. I do plan to expand some options at the mall, for example.


It's funny, I've built every PC I've owned since I was a teen, but it's been a while since my last one, so there are a lot of new things to consider. I'm not too worried about the assembly process, but figuring out which parts are best compatible has gotten more complicated, especially since you might not be able to find the exact models of parts you might want. It used to be you could just look up some value guides, and some high end guides, and weigh the merits, and just pick up the parts they recommended, but these days there are less reliable ones. I just watched a video about how if you get one of the new graphics cards and don't get the right power supply for it the cables might melt. :D


Oh well fair enough I'd recommend ryzens over modern Intel's due to things, I got a 5600g X's on ryzens are just to mark up price for nothing it's a title. The 5800g is pretty good, any storage you want, any heatsink etc, GPU depends on what you like I'd recommend 3060 to 3090 ti if you can find one for a good price. Places for stuff is pcpartpicker (compiles a nice list) & logicalincrements for a guide on other parts like cases power source units etc you have your old license keys you can use and buy some external HDDs as backups for your PC now if your PC now is okay I'd still build anew However don't hesitate to d what some guys suggested a new PSU.


PC Part Picker is EXTREMELY good about determining parts fitment issues, even at a software level. I wasn't able to get a new processor working on a new motherboard, and the website identified that I needed to update BIOS to a specific version number, which is way above and beyond what I was expecting from a glorified shopping cart.


Oh and if you buy a good PSU don't worry do some reading online as long as you get a 80 gold you'll.. be golden. Be 70% of the power you use Ike my rig uses 350 watts I got a 650w so that accounts for overclocking any extra shit I plug in etc but I'd avoid the new nvidea 40xx series they ain't very good get something you like Intel CPUs are onpar with Intel so it makes no difference.


Crash bash

Nicholas Alan McGuire

Honestly Oni, you've been one of 2 creators I support that regularly puts out content so if you cant make a release on the timeline you set, i understand. you put a ton of effort into making the characters talk like and look perfectly like they do in the animated series so i hope you can put together a new pc soon. Im doing the same and... holy crap parts got expensive.


That site seems cool, I'll definitely give it a lookover. And I think for video cards if I bite right now if would probably be something in the 3060 range. I do want raytracing so the non-Nvidia cards are just off the table, but the 40s are looking sketchy.


Thanks. And yeah, I was always a "slightly above budget PC" sort of consumer, but now even the lower end cards from a year or two ago sell new for $600+. :D