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I know I don't post these often enough, but do you ever get that thing where you know you should talk to someone, and then you don't, and then it feels weird that you haven't talked to them in a while, so you continue to don't? Yeah.

So. . . I have been hard at work though, I have one of Jubilee's new poses mostly finished, I still need to do her feet and the stockings stuff, but the rest is in game and working. I also have her other pose mostly done, not quite as finished, but close to it. I still need to finish up some of the clothes and export them and make sure they all work as intended. I'm aiming for hopefully early next month as a release window for version 0.999. Should be fun.



How are you doing Oni? How is life?

Phillipe Farneti

Ok...I hope this update kicks ass.


Any update oni? Almost halfway through the month.


Still on track to get it out by the end of the month, but a bit of work left.


@Oni You still alive? :O


If you're dead and still working you have to change your name to Zombie Oni.


everything going alright oni its been awhile sense a update. Could we maybe get like a teaser possibly of the new art thats coming up?


You'll see it soon enough. :D I'm now done with the primary art going into the update, I am going through to tweak what ended up looking a bit off, and getting it all coded into the game properly.


Will it be the end of the month we see it or sooner?


Speaking of which, will there be any new Halloween content?

timothy mccarthy

Out of curiosity is there an amount of money that could speed up the completion of the game by for example hiring more help and maybe make that a new goal?


Please our Lord and Savior Oni. Let the girl after Jubilee be Wanda. I know it'll be up to votes but a man can dream.

Anthony Michelli

Don't remember if I ever mentioned this or not, but jizzing on Storm while she's in her doggy pose doesn't show any of the cum art on her.


i kinda waiting for gwenpool uWu


wheres the update lol


I feel like every time someone asks for an update Oni pushes it back by another day. Just be patient :)


Is it done yet? Are we there yet? Can we stop at the gas station for some snacks? How much longer? @Oni


Me too! Should have had our Gewnpool already but some vampire retro 80s vampire won the vote by a small margin.


To quote Mr. Incredible: "We get there, when we get there!" ;P


Look Oni, I love this game, while it isn't a perfect game it has a lot of charm and content, the dialogue is funny and cute and you're amazingly good at drawing. But you should get better at project management, not only does it help the patreons know what you're doing it could also help you to keep to deadlines. Every update you try to release art and animations, which is fine, but takes a long time, so it might be nice to add some more padding to the game in the form of dialogue or events, instead of having 3-6 months between updates. Now we barely know anything about your personal life, so maybe you are really busy and barely have any time to work on the game, or you've just lost interest, But it would be nice to communicate that to us patreons, so we atleast know why it could take a little longer.


I get that you were trying to go for criticism but this honestly just feels like whining over absolutely nothing. First off let's be real for a moment, this is a porn game made by one person for a bunch of horny bastards, I don't really think 'project management' is on the list of priorities. Also, for all we know Oni's process is as optimized as possible, we have no idea what goes on in the backend, because it doesn't matter or change anything for us. Adding padding to the game just takes away from adding the real meat to the game as well. You got sick of the same 10 lines of dialogue the third time you saw them, why would that change for the next 10? We also don't know how long it would take to implement the new dialogue, it may not be worth it relative to how long a whole girl takes to do. Without actually being the one to do the drawing and coding you can't possibly say how long any of this should take. And the backhanded 'or you've just lost interest' is unnecessary, again, we're talking about a porn game here. And to wrap up I'd recommend reading all the comments as Oni consistently replies to them and explains what's going on, for example in the upcoming update it wasn't directly stated except in the comments by Oni that Jubilee is getting both her poses instead of the usual one, explaining why this update is longer than a normal one, because it isn't a normal one. In the future just relax, berating does not make anything go faster or smoother, be grateful for what you have instead of sulking over what you don't :)


I'll look into that, I was just doing those features for Jubilee earlier. . .


Yeah. I feel that. I do try to get things optimized as best I can, I have done a few posts about how I get started on the art of the project, but one thing I do is to get the basics done as early in each cycle as I can, so I can send those out to get some costumes added in, and then I keep working on some other parts and then the costumes come back in a week or two and I have to do the finishing touches for those. I know I'm slower than a lot would like, I'm slower than I'd like, really, but I am consistently working on this stuff (aside from a little snag that I'll be posting about in a minute). And I will say, I could try and get a shorter cycle based around smaller content, like one pose per release instead of 2-3, or like just a short dialogue-based scene for one character, or something else minimal, I could probably work out a schedule to do one of those a month, but I'd much rather put a little meat on these bones so that when people come back to the game after a bit of a break, there's a good amount to work with, rather than load it up, spend five minutes going through a scene, and then "ok, done until next month."