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Ok, so unless there are some unexpected showstoppers here, this should be a more stable version of the previous build, correcting any immediate bugs that people pointed out in it. I'm still working behind the scenes on additional new content, but today's won't have anything that wasn't in 0.966c, it should just fix a few bugs, like with entering Rogue's room, with Rogue showing up during the Kitty scene, stuff like that.

Btw, I changed the conditions for Kitty's scene so it won't launch if Rogue's in your party, which should have been a condition in the first place. ;)

One thing I'm working on is trying to resolve some of those bugs that happen when you load an older save game. I think I'm onto a fix, which won't be in this build, but will make the next one and should correct many of those errors. If you do get errors loading old saves, let me know what message is popping up. I usually only need the line directly above where it says "full traceback," and never need anything below there (sometimes the several lines above that can matter, but I'll let you know). I don't expect to support saves that go back to the ancient versions of the game, but I hope that I can make it so that saves will be stable from here on in, I don't want people to have to start from scratch with every build, especially if I'm going to be making it slower to level stuff.



i like starting over each time so im cool with that! so for this build do we get the kitty scene now? or is that when you release the next one?


The Kitty meeting scene is in this one, the same as the previous build, I just haven't added to it yet.


by more difficult to level stuff do you mean that each attribute is capped at a certain point until you trigger an event for it


sorry for the double post but head over to <a href="https://www.patreon.com/NightCity">https://www.patreon.com/NightCity</a> and ask Baal he just recently figured out a way to load older version save for his game Superpowered


oh i see. yeah i got that one in the last version. its gonna make the game sooo much more interesting going between the two like that. im looking forward to see what you add in the next update for sure!


Well, most likely the first change I'm considering is to raise the minimum bar for certain activities, they may currently come a bit too easily. And since first time activities tend to have high bonuses to them that make later activities easier, it should slow the overall progression a bit.


A bug when the MC has Rouge's key and enters her room with her greeting chat bubbles still pop up before the MC enters, seems to occurs only when there is nothing to sneak in on as far as I can tell so not a major bug to fix but still feels a bit out of place.


One idea that came to mind is if Rouge or the MC sleeps over and Rouge leaves to go to her planed location in the morning, it would be cool if she mentioned where she was going. Like when going to Class her mentioning that she hopes to see him in class, would save the MC a seat, or all the way to would the MC like to go to class together or with the Danger room that she is looking forward to some light sparing with him / looking forward to seeing that ass in action in the Danger room. Though obviously not something that needs to take priority just something I thought was missing with that interaction.


So you mean the door shows up, and then her chat bubbles appear without her to say "hey, come on in" or whatever, and then you enter her room and she appears? I think that's working as intended. She's just calling out from her room.


Good point, and maybe not hard to implement. I'll see where best to put something like this.


No I mean you end up at the door pick "Use key to enter." instead of "knock politely" and before entering Rogue is greeting the MC like entering with a key wasn't selected. Also if you use the key and she isn't around two different messages of she doesn't appear to be in show up before entering the room.


Might be related as there seems to be a value getting stuck when Knocking, if Rouge isn't in and you select to Knock any time after that to use the key the text displays like knocking was selected instead and won't unset until Rouge is in the room and the MC enters, even when moving to another time block. The example I have is Thursday morning Knocked and find she isn't there, if I turn right around and try and enter with the Key get the Knock text, wait or do an activity to get to Thursday Midday selecting to enter with the Key still ends up showing the Knock text, even holds true Friday Midday. It isn't until Rouge is in her room like Thursday Evening or Friday Morning that selecting either getting the Knock text, entering successfully that the Key can be realistically used again, though with the mentioned greeting still. For either in that same time block, aka leaving and re-entering, or going forward.


Just a minor detail, and ultimately not that important in the long run: It seems I can train or class twice, then take a shower, then train but I can't train or class three times then shower. I just stand there looking at it, sweaty and forlorn.


I can answer this one, showering doesn't take up a full block of time, where as Training does or whatever is left of the block of time, which is why in the Evening you can shower and still train in that same time block but can't do the reversal. A bit weird but you could realistically do that for all three time blocks of Morning, Midday, and Evening of shower first and than train. Wouldn't necessarily be a bad idea if at some point Training, in the Evening especially though for me would also want date night Middays, asked the question of training for the full block or training with enough time to also get in a shower.


Ok, took a little while longer than I expected to nail down the details, but I think I have a concrete system working for the next major build that not only works when you sleep over, but basically any time you're in the same room and she intends to leave. By default she'll now tell you where she's going, and ask you to come if she wants you there. You can disable this by asking her about it in chat if it gets annoying, and put it back if you like.


When Maxing out Love, Rouge ask how the MC wants to consummate this and then selecting "I have something else in mind". Rouge will respond "Well now you have me Curious" in a text bubble followed by a text box of "HUH".


Staris has it. Although it is worth noting that training or taking classes with less than a full block of time left does have reduced results. Basically, a shower takes a fixed amount of time (basically 1/3 of a time block), while a class will take up whatever time is left in that block, but if you only showed up in the middle of a class, you only catch the tail end of it. The dialog can reflect this, like "You're pretty late, but catch the tail end of the class." You'll only get XP relative to the time left in class, and that's assuming there is at least enough time to get anything. If you take three showers and then head for class, it'll automatically cycle into the next time block, or if you take two showers and then screw around with Rogue for a little bit (around 10+ "strokes" at anything) before heading to class, then it might tell you there's not time for that. Keep in mind that moving around can take a small amount of time, and fooling around with Rogue can take as much as an entire time block if you really go at it. I haven't fully fleshed out the time management system yet, I plan to cause more things to be time consuming, and probably also need to add a UI element to show how much time is left in the block. Actually, looking at it, the reason you can't take a shower is because you can't take one at night. I probably will change that, and change the way the time is managed to so that it takes a minimum of X amount of time. Note, you don't actually have to shower, if you don't do it manually it's assumed to take place off camera, like eating and waste disposal. It's more "recreational showering." ;) It might be worth considering to make showering a mandatory activity after training though, like it automatically dumps you in the showers after. I need to work the showers into the game a bit better, they're in a weird place right now.


Thanks, that was a misplaced diagnostic message, now removed. I also cleaned up something in that menu that could have caused some errors if left unchecked. Btw, Staris, is that an Alloy of Law reference?


Ok, fixed the room entry stuff, near as I can tell. Looking into the second bit now. And good call on the knock issue, I figured out a fix for it.


Glad to hear the time system will have more transparency in a future update. I've really been enjoying this game (just playing with what Rogue is willing to wear/won't wear is very fun) and can't wait for more. I'm starting work on my own Ren'Py game, partly inspired by some of the training mechanics you've added in.


Very cool, looking forward to it when it gets released.


also rogue no longer appears in university square


also when your doing anal with rogue focus no longer works if you also finger her pussy but if you have it activate while slapping her ass your pleasure meter drops


Like, you mean she doesn't go there on her own, or she doesn't visually appear if you take her there?


Well, the thing with Focus is that it only slows the growth of your meter above 50%, it may not prevent it completely, so maybe you're just overloading what it can prevent. I just boosted it up a bit so maybe it'll do a better job keeping up.


no as in its not working at all it when you finger her it doesnt matter how long youve been going at it wether its right at the beginning and your going slow or when you going as fast as you can and its when you are fucking her in the ass or pussy


both she doesnt appear when you bring her there and she doesnt appear there on her own on the weekends at noon


Hmm, that's odd. I'm not finding a good reason for it. Obviously she isn't displaying for you, but is it showing "chat with Rogue" or "text Rogue" when you expect her to be there? Oh, and it's worth noting that she shouldn't be appearing if you're using the "world map" travel interface, because you aren't actually at the square, that's just the backdrop to it. Only if you actually select "University Square" as the destination, or "Leave" from most of the rooms while in travel mode will you actually go to that location itself.


Hey there Oni, Noticed in this version that the torn versions of pantyhose and tights are unavailable, Will you be making an event where you get to tear these clothes items? (please be yes). Thanks. That is to say, I have been having trouble finding such a scene if it does exist.


They are currently available in that build, there's just a trick to it. ;) Think about how a situation could result in torn hose. . .


Thanks, I finally figured it out... I remembered something about cyclops. That helped.


I am sooo ready for more content :P


Well, I'm working on it. Right at the moment I'm working on the underpinnings of how the two girls will interact with each other, so that I can start adding Kitty's sexy stuff. I'm building the thing that happens if Kitty catches you and Rogue fooling around (or vice-versa), so that if you're in class with both of them, and start making out with Rogue, Kitty will respond in some fashion based on what her deal is. I also decided to put in a variable for each girl based on how much she likes the other, so if they are very mad at each other, they won't want to interact, while if they really like each other. . .


Sounds amazing! Keep up the great work Oni.

David Jarrett

if i win the raffle can i ask for naruto girls like sakura haruno