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I did it, I got the raffle winner's pic out within the month! I got the inks back on this one over a week ago, but between trying to get the Kitty patch out within the month and a small cold that I'm still working on, I wasn't able to work on this as quickly as I wanted to. But I did manage it within the month! Anyway, here's Yuffie, I went with her Kingdom Hearts outfit, which is my favorite.




Very nice indeed! Pose turned out great and thematically works for her (I figure she has materia hidden behind her head). Cute, silly and sexy all at the same time.


Great pose and facial expression. Yuffie is one of my top five fave Final Fantasy females, and I have a soft spot for cute rogue/thief class girls (Rikku is also on my fave FF girls list), so this picture really works for me. Thank you, Oni! :)


The panties and her boobs are super sexy! I can just imagine pulling up those panties myself, and it's just super hot how she presents her boobs, is proud of her boobs, even if they're not "big" (by hentai standards). :3 Awesome job!! :D


Damn. I need to play Kingdom Hearts, I've clearly been missing out.


She's a cutie.


awesome, love it :) (also for those not in the know: kingdom hearts outfit is based on ff-x's rikku, as she was supposed to be in the game, they switched to yuffie because of kingdom hearts own riku to avoid confusion)


Huh, cool story. I'm playing KHUX right now, and it is confusing because there are Riku medals and also a Rikku medal. But then there are also about two dozen Soras, so there's no winning there.


I love yuffie, I never played and FF games or seen movies but once I saw her (admittedly flat chest) I was so happy that not everyone makes people with huge tits


I have a soft spot for them 2 I just realized. (Example: Sera From DAI, Kasumi from Mass effect 2/3 (I am a Talimancer more so) The Bard companion (yes I know her name can't spell it right begins with L) in DAO.)


Agreed; even though sometimes bigger boobs are very nice to look at, a girl does NOT need to have big boobs to be cute and sexy. And variety is the spice of life; I like looking at all types of girls, from smaller, slimmer ones like Rikku and Yuffie, to more curvy ones like Mei from Overwatch, to buxom ones like Lulu from FFX/X-2, to toned ones like Chun-Li, Wonder Woman, Power Girl, and She-Hulk, to average ones, Like Shion from XenoSaga or Tracer from Overwatch. Also, in regards to your response on my own post, I love all those ladies, too, and I also romanced Tali with my main MaleShep (She's just too cute, sweet, and and adorable to NOT romance AT LEAST once! Not to mention she's also sexily exotic, loyal and always ready to have your back in a fight, she's highly intelligent and kind-hearted, and she knows how to have some fun; all excellent qualities in a woman). :)


Heh, I removed the dupe posts, just tidying up. And yeah, I like to have a bit of variety, and try to balance out the various cup sizes.


Quwykxz I added you please reply if true


Oni you delete all these comments now, or at least my comments past the 2 first ones