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Ok, some more stuff, a fix to the error people are getting when Jubilee sleeps over, and her "animations that play when getting fondled" stuff is in, fixed some dialogue that was getting skipped, etc.

Ok,  as I need to  remind people with every  build, this one's going in   hot. Expect  crashes, expect graphical  weirdness, expect things to not   work. This is  a test version for  people who like to test. If you  just  want to have  fun with a  relatively stable build, give it a week  or two  to shake out  the bugs.  I'll also be adding a few more features  and  content over the  next  weeks anyway.

I discuss the update more in this thread, for more details on what to look out for:

If     you do get a crashing bug, it should give a report on how the bug     happened. It would be very helpful if you could copy and paste the    early  portion of that bug report, the part before where it says "Full  traceback." The portion after that is not usually necessary    for  finding the problem and can get a bit long, so don't post that    unless I  ask for it. Save early, save often, and if you find a bug,   try  and have  some saves before it so that we can test the fixes for   it. If  there is a  line of dialogue that has some issues, please post   it  word-for-word, I  can do word searches very easy but trying to   figure  out where a general  situation is can be harder.

If   there are  any serious bugs right  away, then I might put out one or  two  builds  today, but I expect at  least a few over the course of the   week. Always  keep track of what the  latest build is, and while you  can  report bugs  form older build, at  least make sure to note that  it's  from an older  build so I'll know that,  I may have fixed it  already.  You can report  bugs in the release thread  for that build, or  PM me  with it if you  prefer. Oh, and if you are  playing from a  savegame from  a previous  build, that's fine too, but make  sure to let  me know so I  can figure  out whether that might be a factor.



If you refuse to give Jubilee a fix, she continues to call when you try to go anywhere until you ignore her. It can be looped for Obedience, albeit slowly.


so I've noticed for a while that when girls get above a certain level of affection they don't leave the danger room if your in it. even if you tell them to leave when you like in the follow options they choose to stay there rather than going back to there room even it hits night


I would suggest trying to change the ending animation inwards. She looks like it's happening nearby and not inside. I haven't found any problems with J yet)


Yeah, it started a long time ago since the introduction of Laura. It's no biggie, but it would be interesting to have an option for the girl to invite you to her room, for diversity sake


Yeah, I suppose I should add a "cut it out" option. At least keep it to one per day.


That's when you be more direct in telling them to leave, or resort to other means like asking someone else to join you and forcing the stubborn one out using the "three's a crowd" principle. ETA this of course only works if the replacement is less stubborn.


How the next update is looking like?


Found a bug when you dress Jubilee only in her yellow jacket en close it completely you can't make her take it off or open the jacket when fooling around except when you pick the option take everything off. The undress option for top doesn't load and the jacket doesn't appear at the bottom option.


This might sound random but besides seeing the girls strip, does the "Sunbathe" option at the pool actually do anything?


Hi, have you thought about making girls pregnant?


Its been brought up before, to summarize it will probably not be added since it would entail creating entirely new artwork for every girl, in every pose, with every piece of clothing. It just multiplies too fast to be a reasonable use of time when that time could be spent making tons of progress on other elements in the game. Still a good idea, just very resource consuming.


Well, I'm working on finishing Jean's sex pose, should be in a couple days, but then after that (and maybe a few more bug fixes) it'll likely be a more significant gap. I haven't even started on the next major release that has more Jubilee stuff.


Hmm. . . is this in version 0.997d? I know this was an issue in prior versions, but it should have been fixed.


Well, there are some stat-ups from convincing her to shed clothes (or even from failing to do so). Nothing too major though.


Are you going to add jubilee to the Halloween event. And other questions is there going to be other events in game.


Will there be background sound and or music at some point


Oni has said no on previous posts. The amount of time and money that requires is way too much.


The Pim money missions are gonna have to pay out more or something, because I cant afford to take my little mall rat out shopping.


Yes, Jubilee will be added to the Halloween event, but no timetable on that for now. Maybe as late as next Halloween, but maybe earlier. As for other events? Perhaps. We'll see. There will certainly be more things to do added, not sure if they will be set up similar to the party though.


Yeah, money isn't really a factor, there are free tracks available, I believe, I'd just want sound to be a quality experience if I added it, and it would be a whole separate learning curve selecting tracks and getting them implemented and all that, and I would prefer to focus on the visual side of things. But yeah, no current plans for audio.


Thank for the heads up on that oni keep up the great work I've around since Emma was added to see the progress and community grow is amazing.