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Ok, third set of bugs, this time some fixes to Jubilee's roaming schedule, plugged a few gaps that let people slip into Jubilee's BJ scenes (don't worry, you won't miss much, there was no art and it was just copypasted Laura's dialogue, since I hadn't done Jubilee's yet), made sure Laura's stockings and garterbelt was available for purchase at the mall, made some tweaks to what happens if you go on a date with little time left, tons of typo fixes, both dialogue and coding, etc.

Ok, as I need to  remind people with every  build, this one's going in  hot. Expect  crashes, expect graphical  weirdness, expect things to not  work. This is  a test version for  people who like to test. If you just  want to have  fun with a  relatively stable build, give it a week or two  to shake out  the bugs.  I'll also be adding a few more features and  content over the  next  weeks anyway.

So how's everyone's Valentines Day been going? Good? Bad? If bad, hopefully this will help. ;D

I discuss the update more in this thread, for more details on what to look out for:

If    you do get a crashing bug, it should give a report on how the bug    happened. It would be very helpful if you could copy and paste the   early  portion of that bug report, the part before where it says "Full    traceback." The portion after that is not usually necessary   for  finding the problem and can get a bit long, so don't post that   unless I  ask for it. Save early, save often, and if you find a bug,  try  and have  some saves before it so that we can test the fixes for  it. If  there is a  line of dialogue that has some issues, please post  it  word-for-word, I  can do word searches very easy but trying to  figure  out where a general  situation is can be harder.

If  there are  any serious bugs right  away, then I might put out one or two  builds  today, but I expect at  least a few over the course of the  week. Always  keep track of what the  latest build is, and while you can  report bugs  form older build, at  least make sure to note that it's  from an older  build so I'll know that,  I may have fixed it already.  You can report  bugs in the release thread  for that build, or PM me  with it if you  prefer. Oh, and if you are  playing from a savegame from  a previous  build, that's fine too, but make  sure to let me know so I  can figure  out whether that might be a factor.


Jared Draken Condor

Hey Oni I'm back (and unlike on 0.995 and 0.996 i am actually checking for bugs) Dunno if s.o else already reported this but when you first sleep over at Jubilee there is the following bug after the night ends: I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 1483, in IndexError: list index out of range I think there should be either a story scene or a bj scene there. The bug is skipable by just pressing the ignore button but it happens everytime you sleep at jubilees room. Keep up the great work, love the Jubilee artstyle... it's deffo a breath of fresh air Edit: the bug also happens when you get Jubilee for a sleepover in your own room. Ok i guess it's a faulty line in RenPy that tries to start a bj scene for Jubilee that doesn't work since bj isn't added yet


I've got a bug where I'm licking and fondling Emma, but when I try to change the view it just resets to the default lower view.


Ok, so stepping through this, you start in the default full-screen style view, right? Then you start to fondle her and it shifts to a zoomed in view, yes? Then you hit "view" and you pick which option? In any case, I assume that works, you shift to that new option, but then when it goes back into describing what's going on, at some point it just shifts back to the default? Was this after an orgasm or some other weird event going on, or just right away as part of a "keep going?"


It doesn't get to the describing part, if it's a different position view like the back view it switches to it then immediately back, but if it's just shifting the point of view then nothing happens.


Emma approached me just after waking to relieve her craving, I had sex with her till she came. Came out of the scene and tried to leave the dialogue but she was still feeling unrelieved, so I started fondling her pussy. I then switched to kissing it and selected the fondle pussy option as the offhand. I then wanted to see the middle body view but that was when I encountered the bug. Also another thing to note was that the time wasn't progressing forwards with each attempt, like the game was rolling itself back.

Shin Gouki

Something I haven't seen mentioned, thought admittedly I haven't read through all the comments is the missing hand/tongue graphics while making out with her and fondling/licking other parts of her body. Another thing that I've noticed, but I'm not sure if it's an issue or not, is when you tell any of the girls to swallow any semen, the text seems to have a portion erased as it only reads: "X wipes the spunk off her chin," and then it cuts to their reaction of swallowing it.


The second thing has been happening for a long time. I myself haven't bothered to check if it's because there's no text to follow up on it or because something is being skipped.

Shin Gouki

Can't say I've until though. Just seemed off because I could have sworn there was more description to what was going on. So I checked with an earlier version 996 and you''re right, there are no changes.


Ok, well let's see. For one thing, the time progression (and most of the other "benefits" of doing things) happens in a phase after the menu, and using certain options like view shifting sends you back to the top, so shifting view does not actually cost any time. It shouldn't be *reversing* time or anything, I can't think of anything near you that would add time to the clock, but it won't remove it either. Ok, yes, I checked, and two of Emma's fondling actions had an issue where they would reset to their default position instantly. I've fixed this. let me know if anything else happens.


Yeah, I haven't implemented Jubilee's "UI hands" stuff yet. It's not that hard to do but it's always a bit of annoying fiddling to make sure everything's working over the right places. ;) Oh, there was a mistake in the clean-up stuff, should be fixed next build.


Quick question, any chance of redrawing Jean ? Her eyes are kinda too high compares to the sketch ? Makes her looks kinda "out of place".


this might sound weird but could you keep some of the blood-sucking from Jubilee? like during or after cetin actions she takes a bite? you know for personal reasons


Still going through finding bugs, but wanted to say I really like the new additions. The mall is great, especially the dressing up/down animation - do you think you might intro this when asking them to change their clothes outside of the mall? Also are there plans for us to be able to do "stuff" with the girls we bring into the changing rooms?


Jubilee comes to the player's room every day and says for the first time "it worked! I've been able to be out all day!". This is fine?


[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 1483, in IndexError: list index out of range -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 167, in script call File "script Functions.rpyc", line 279, in script call File "script Scenes.rpyc", line 770, in script call File "script Scenes.rpyc", line 1483, in script File "C:\Users\death\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.997c-win\Rogue-Like-0.997c-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1681, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "C:\Users\death\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.997c-win\Rogue-Like-0.997c-win\renpy\python.py", line 1794, in py_eval return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals) File "C:\Users\death\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.997c-win\Rogue-Like-0.997c-win\renpy\python.py", line 1788, in py_eval_bytecode return eval(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/script Scenes.rpy", line 1483, in IndexError: list index out of range Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.997c [/code]


What's the command for Jubilee in console? JubileeX. dosn't work ;)


Got this when try and load a save and start in the players room:[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: ScriptError: could not find label 'Jubes_Hide'. -- Full Traceback -----------------------------------------------------------


Might be due to Jubilee not being fully released yet, but you can max out her stats if you catch her masturbating. Whip your dick out and keep spamming 'Jump in' then "looks like you have things well in hand'. This will loop. Time will not move to next time setting and you keep getting points.


I can get where you're coming from and all, but I'm trying to keep a PG-13 rating (outside of all the graphical sex and foul language, of course).


I've given that a little thought, and might include it in other places. It doesn't always quite fit, but I might be able to make it work. And yes, one of the plans is to let you do "stuff" in there, but that could lead to its own issues and I didn't want to cause such troubles in this release. I'll get around to it though, either later in this release cycle or in the next version.


Hmm, no. That should only be happening once, but I think I short-cut the earlier steps. Should be fixed next build.


Hmm, that's weird, because that definitely exists. Everyone would be getting that error all the time, otherwise. Someone else posted a similar error a while back with another "cannot find" that couldn't be right. I'm thinking that the actual error must be something else, it's just reporting the last thing it did *before* that error, which sometimes the error reporter does. Could I get the full traceback on that one, I might be able to figure out where it went next.


Heh, interesting loop there. I don't think you should be able to absolutely max out the stats though, it should cap off in the 800-900 ranges, but you certainly can self-abuse it. I'll figure out a way to cut that out a bit.


Luara in her Leather Jacket and Skirt combo, when selecting panties had the option "Why don't you wear the blank panties instead?" while wearing the blank panties.


I meant just like the textboxes you had for the introduction but its your game you do you :) ill keep supporting you no matter what.