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Ok guys, I've made a decision here. The animation stuff I've been working on is taking way too long, and I don't think it's fair to leave you completely without updates until it's sorted, so I'm skipping some of that for now. If I released it exactly like it is right now it would be a literal horror show with bits animating all over the place, and I wouldn't want to subject you to that, so instead I'm going to remove the animation code and replace it with the older stuff, which still works fine, and put out a version 0.96d that is mainly a few bug fixes (like to the dating scenes), some minor tweaks, and a couple of new costume pieces.

It's nothing major, so if you'd like to skip it, that's fine, but it's something at least. I'll continue to work on the animations and hopefully get them out in a few more weeks. In the meantime, I plan to get version 0.96d out in a week or so.



That's good at least. The dinner and a movie becoming just dinner was kinda annoying.


So I haven't been paying attention for a bit, could you tell me what kind of costume pieces we are getting?


Well, I haven't been able to test them out in game yet, so I can't promise which will make this build, but I've been working on tights/hose with holes in them, for that grunge look, and also stockings with garter belt.

sad flower

Honestly I'd rather have big updates with bigger breaks than small ones with nothing really significant more often.


Yeah, and I get that, and if this update does not interest you then you can certainly skip it, the next one will have everything this has and more, and preparing it shouldn't take too much time out of my schedule. Basically I keep a lot of backups around, so it's just a matter of copying all the new stuff over to the backup of the last version, except for the animations file, which is where all the bugs are living right now. ;) So basically, if you "want something new, anything," then this is for you, and if you "want to wait for something bigger," then that'll be coming as soon as I'm able, so it's win-win. :D

sad flower

That's good at least. i was just worried that it would take up a lot of time to set up release builds


if nothing i was just happy to hear from you, being hyped about a game, and having to wait 1 month for updates is rough :D but keep up the good work! you will get there eventually, and when you do its going to be glorious!


I made a few updates this month! :[ Sure, not all of them had a lot of substance, but I was aware of the silence and wanted to make sure you guys knew I was hard at work. Getting animations right in Renpy is a real pain in the ass. There's a lot of trial and error because you basically have to type it all out in number form and then reload the game, see if it moves right, and then repeat the process until you narrow it all down.


The game is awesome and still promising more, i don't mind waiting between updates. Well, as long as we have little message to know how things are going. Love your works, keep it that way. <3


you better not be getting discouraged, Oni! that simply will not do! I want you to be as excited as I am about this project, at the very least! keep it up, you beautiful bastard!


Oh, don't worry, I'm still excited about the project, and hard at work, I'm just frustrated when specific elements of it refuse to work the way I want on the first try. ;)

Scott OMiller

I don't know if you already have done so but you might be able to find some help with any problems your having on the Ren'py forums.


I'm pretty excited for more outfits, even at the cost of animations for this month. Woo! I have just one question/request about them though. Does this mean we get more than three custom outfit slots? It feels weird being a grown man, but I love playing dress up with her...


Heh, I don't know. I originally only had one, I suppose adding more wouldn't cause too much extra overhead. I'll look into it.

The Home for Wayward Kittens at Toad Hall

Hi Oni! I'm a writer working on an article about crowdfunded games and I was hoping I interview you about this Patreon campaign. Do you have an email address or some other way I can use to get in touch with you directly?


I tried messaging it to you but you don't appear on my patron listing.

Glenn Lewis

Have any updates on the game?


I just posted a sketch for Kitty's sex pose. As for the other stuff I'm working on, animations, some code tweaks, I'll definitely get a new version with at least a few tweaks out by the beginning of next month, but not sure if the new animations will be ready.


Hey, Oni. Do you have an email or something where we can send you thoughts or suggestions on the game/writing/etc.? Or is there a forum you spend a lot of time on where we can shoot you a message?


I can't seem to message you, but I wanted to broach the idea of adding new variances for those scenes where Rogue enters your room looking for a fix that reflect higher submissive scores. As an example, have her beg and cry. I had a sample of the sort of thing I'm talking about, but I probably shouldn't link it here since it's someone else's content from Reddit (naughty audio, mainly). Furthermore, I wanted to hear your thoughts on giving the player an option to resist Rogue's attempt at grabbing them when you deny her too much based on character level. Say the character is level 3-5 or whatever, you can stop her from touching you. Maybe even have a spanking scene where you punish her for it to raise her submission and also lower her addiction since you are still touching her in the end.


I could perhaps write some more options in there, it wouldn't be all that hard to do. And while I do want her to be able to grab you at least once, to resolve that "mini-plot," perhaps on repeated visits you could prevent her doing so.


was wondering if during the public sex scene rogue runs away when a crowd gathers is there any way you can make it an option to keep her in place if her obedience is high enough


I can always tweak some of the options, that's a solid idea, up to a point, at least. The thing to keep in mind though is that 1000 Obedience doesn't make her a robot, it just makes her very suggestive to what you want. She still has her own natural drives and there are some things she still won't do. You need to max stats and in some cases meet certain other conditions to meet some of the most trying situations. For example, lack of inhibition is as important as obedience in those situations.

Glenn Lewis

Can you add difficulty settings? Or have options so you can go from 1,000 max all the way to 10,000 max on stats so it can be difficult and fun.


Eeeeeh, huh. Maybe possible, but could be tricky to get right. I am planning to nudge the default pacign a bit more though.


yea i max both obedience and inhibition and she still runs away during public sex