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Here's the winner of the April patron raffle, Mercy from Overwatch! Timely too. Anyone signed up at the $10+ level for May will be in the drawing for next month's character, which will be selected around a week into the month.




Love this picture. Great job! Been trying to use sai because a lot of people recommend it for this sort of thing. Question : You said you ha a person that inks art for you correct? How complete is the picture before you send it off to the person inking? You do the coloring yourself right?


Yeah, Jansither inks my stuff now. Before that I did it using the pen tool. When I send of the sketch, it's pretty complete, I mean I basically expect all the lines in there to be inked as I had them, just, you know, black and smooth rather than rough and sketchy. ;) Then I get it back and sometimes I'll tweak it a bit more, but we've gotten into a good rhythm on that, and then I color it from there. The inked PSDs I post actually include both the ink layer and the original sketch layers I send out.


"Will make heaven a place on earth" Or " you can keep your halo on "