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Hey guys, took me a bit longer than I expected, but here's the result of the patron raffle from March! This is Shimakaze from Kantai Collection, the result of the winner requesting I do this character, in roughly this pose. I hope it turned out well.

For those that were unaware, this is the result of the surveys I was running last month, one of which suggested that I do a raffle. Since I haven't had a lot of time to do commissions, and didn't want to get bogged down in back-and-forths, my rules were fairly straightforward: pick a character, pick a basic concept for the piece, and then I run with it to completion.

I'll be doing this again for the month of April, any patrons who close out the month at the $10 level or above will be entered for a random drawing, and the winner will get to choose who next month's pin-up will be. This month's was actually the third person selected, but the first two never got back to me, so I'm making it the official policy that when I send out the message to the winner, they will have 24 hours to respond, then I move on to the next potential winner. Winners will be selected around the first week of May or so. Good luck!




Dude, lover your artwork. Wish I was that good. Do you use for the most part? I just use PS right now. My lines are still shaky and anatomy needs a little work.


Sorry auto correct tends to mess with me a lot . Lol


Well, the inks in this case are courtesy of Jansither, my excellent inker for the past year or so. Prior to that I was inking my own stuff but it took forever, because like you say, my lines tended to get a bit shaky if I inked by hand, so instead I would use vector-based pen-tool for inking. That led to sharp lines that I liked the look of, but took hours. And I use Photoshop, but an archaic version of it. At some point I'll have to update my skillset to a program released in this century.


Navel maneuvers?

Dmitriy Blackwood

What should be the subscription amount to try the game, I signed up for a $ 15 be enough? If so then I did not understand how to download.


I send out fresh links when I make a new version or towards the beginning of the month when Patreon finishes their charging process. You're fine, I'll get a link out to you soon.

Dmitriy Blackwood

When I can see the new version of the game? I just do not play it, and I would like to get acquainted with the game.