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Hey guys! April was a great month, the support I've been getting has been great and I really hope I'm living up to it. There's no new version out yet, but wanted to make sure you knew that I was hard at work. Above is a shot of one of Kitty's new expressions, which isn't actually ingame yet, but I have all of them in art form. My main work though has been on some new tools for the animations, which are hard to show off until it's done, but it's basically some frustrating coding work that if I can get it working how I want will allow me to do some more interesting cycles.

I'll also be sending out word to the April raffle winners over the next few days, so if you pledged $10 or more last month, keep an eye on your messages. I'll only be giving 24 hours to respond so that I can get moving on the piece in a timely manner.

I'll also be re-sending game download links to anyone who pledged and was processed for last month, if you don't get one let me know, sometimes Patreon takes a while to get a transaction completed.

So to sum up, you guys rock, thanks for the support, and let me know how I can make things better and better.




is kitty going to be a background character in the next update or will there be some interaction as well


Kitty isn't likely to appear in the game in any form until after the 1.0 update, which is some ways away. I'm just keeping people updated that she is being worked on.


Thanks for the update


Thanks for the update! You rock!


Thanks for the update bro. Game keeps getting better with every update. You should be proud of you creation. Hey have you thought of having the Lust meter go up gradually if you don't have sex with Rouge? That can have more time that she can jump your bones. Lol, even if it's only in a text box. Can you also put in a quick line for when your in class with Rouge or kitty that state they are giving you a secret handy under the table like in the movies? A thought to add to Kitty's update, how about adding truth or dare? That way we could have both kitty and Rouge in the same room. This could lead to threesomes or kitty and Rouge just going at it while you watch. Also, will Rouge ever not be effected by passers-by? It seems that I still hit continue a considerable amount. Glitch check: can't seem to purchase the cologne anymore. Am I just missing something or is it an actual bug? Thought it unlocked after buying everything in the shop. BTW wouldn't be better to be able to buy those earlier since they have actual meter effects? Dude I used to help my friend fix glitches back on Burning WOW. That there was some work, especially when we did it while the servers were up. Left shortly before blizzard got all copyright happy on private servers. Kinda miss being an unofficial GM. 1 more question. How are you going to handle Kitty and Rogue's meters? Are they going to have their own or are you going to make the play choose the girl right off the bat? Trying to make it so you can have them both will be tricky. However, there is the option of making a pull down box for their individual sets of bars. Kinda like the inventory. Then when in close proximity to one of them, it expands to the top of the screen like usual. Sorry but it just was something bugging me lately. Also, still brimming with ideas but no true outlet for them at the time. In that case, I pass them on to people that can use them better. Like yourself mate.


Hmm, truth or dare could be kinda tricky, because I'd need to have a lot of different options to make that be non-linear. I'll try to have some fun methods to get them interacting though. As for the colognes, they are time-based, they unlock after 50 days. This is to make it likely that a player will have already done what they need before getting them, and so they act as more of a safetynet if things went wrong somewhere. And originally they were a bit of a pain to implement, but as of a few major versions ago they can't really "mess up" your stats because they never actually change the stats, they just change the way the stats get checked. Sorry, hit enter. Ok, how will I show the meters? I'm going to have a button at the top that toggles the "focus" character, and that character is the one who's meter will show, and also the one you're interacting with (for most things), to avoid menu bloat. You can swap that at will though, and sometimes maybe it'll swap automatically if only one is present. The core elements of that are in place but I haven't completely put them together yet. I might also through together a "status screen" of some sort that would show all the girls at once.


One thing I'd like to see is more use from the level up system. Maybe increasing addictivity by more than one point, maybe increasing something else. (Obedience?) as it stands only the first two levels really matter, (addictive+focus) and none of Rogue's levels matter. Though I guess you'd need more systems if you wanted to go full-level up. it's not like the game has combat, and most of the stats go up well enough on their own. Unless adding the second characters adds a whole new degree of complexity, there's not much need for a level-up system. Oh, speaking of addiction, I was a little surprised at how calm Rogue seems when she approaches you at max addiction. I sorta expected her to be sounding a little more desperate. (Perhaps with her being more willing to do things she wouldn't normally agree to, because her addiction is so high) I don't know if it affects her chances of agreeing to an act, but her dialogue seems to get to "I'm feeling a bit out of it" She doesn't seem to go full "I need it now" mode. Does she gain resistence to you over-time too? I've noticed that even with my max addiction and her not spending any of her level-up points, a full bar of addiction-rate isn't enough to max out her addiction-bar anymore.


You can probably tell by my comments, but I'm still trying to do my arsehole/addiction playthrough. I'm really struggling to keep love low through. I've reached the point where Rogue's inhibitions and Obedience are at about 800 each, and I can't seem to find anything that lowers Love anymore. Well, except for grabbing her tits in public and refusing to let go. Even kicking her out of bed after she wakes you up with a blowjob doesn't seem to do the trick. A long running theme with this game has been that it's too easy to max her love. it's much better than it was before, now you've switched from a 100 max system to a 1000 max, but some things still get way too many points, and being an asshole either has no effect or an extremely minor one. (the chest grabbing thing awards 2 points, then removes five) The options to be rude are there, they just don't seem to have any stat effect, or not nearly enough of one. Edit: Just found another. Trying to fuck her in public is one of the few things that she'll still refuse, so I can try to push the issue and she dislikes it -20. Still, considering I've never done anything except take advantage of her and barge in on her in the shower, she seems to like me a little too much.


Well, as to the leveling system, admittedly it is a bit simplistic right now. I wanted to have some sense of progression, but at the same time I didn't want to completely trivialize things (like by having an automatic huge bonus to approval checks that would make all checks easier). A lot of it is convenience stuff, like making it so that you can last longer during sex if you like, or go more rounds at a time. You raise some good points about Rogue's state during high addiction encounters, there are a few differences here or there, but maybe it's not noticeable enough. For example, unless she's really high, if you refuse her she storms out, while if near-maxed she "tags" you regardless. Also, high addiction levels do provide stat bonuses in all checks, so while it may not be clear that she's agreeing to something she wouldn't otherwise, it does offer several hundred bonus points in some cases. I can maybe work more of that into the dialog though so it's clear why she's interested. She doesn't naturally gain any resistance over time (beyond the first time you "fix" her), but her levels are set to fall naturally over time. I keep trying to find the right balance, if it's too hard to keep her locked in, the I might tweak them back up someplace. Note that the goal isn't necessarily to keep her at 100%, anything above 60/70 is usually plenty.


As for Love, maybe I can tone it down a bit. The idea has been that there is a sort of Stockholm syndrome effect, so that once she gets particularly obedient, she doesn't really mind a lot of the things that would otherwise piss her off anymore. Eventually you're going to want 1K/1K/1K anyway because some things do take maxed gauges. I suppose I can put in some more capability to reach 2K/2K with very low Love though.


out of curiosity, what takes maxed everything? I'm at about 600/800/800 and it's getting hard to find things she'll refuse. Beyond public sex.


It's pretty much public stuff. She'll do anything behind closed doors at much lower levels, but the most explicit stuff in public often takes 2800+, and in some cases over 3000 if it's the very first time you've done it (meaning you would need to get some modifiers in effect).


Hi! Did ya miss me? :D I finished a playthrough finally after leaving the game be for a bit. So far I'm really liking the updates and everything seems pretty smooth. There's still some serious hiccups with high obedience/low inhibitions (that still sounds wrong) stripping/dancing. Where you can have her start stripping, she stops, you order her to resume. She resumes but before removing another articles flat out refuses and you're only left with an "It's okay" option. The pet-names for Rogue thing is obviously very alpha, doesn't seem to affect too many screens or situations yet. With more characters in the game obviously that'll change. Also, has anyone reported that if you take out Rogue to Dinner and a Movie it seems to be skipping the movie now? Or at least it does from the Texting Rogue screen. Love the new tights, very very nice. Would love some color variations on those and buying them for Rogue would be a nice way to burn money. (Buying her teh sexy/outrageous ones would be fun.) You do have some layering problems with them though. Tights/Pantyhose/Stockings all clip with the jeans it seems, which have torn knees and a waistband issue sometimes. Once you get that sorted out more variations on stockings and maybe some tights with rips would be fun. :D


Ok, I added a new option to the stripping thing, you can keep pushing it if you like, until she gets too upset. I also changed up some of the way the system works to account for some of the changes to the stripping system. Let me know if the next version works better. And yeah, I should work pet names into more situations. And yeah, the movie thing is a known issue, fixed for the next build. I do plan on adding some new stockings at some point, not sure how much variety I want to add. The system is actually fairly flexible, but I still don't want to overtax it with minor choices. One I definitely want to get in is stockings with garter. Also, all hose should be mutually exclusive with pants. If it's possible to have both on I'll need to look into that.


I'm like so totally pumped for kitty to be in the game....hmm wounder where that came from...weird. Any way, the colones seem to crash the game when you use them. I used the last one and talked to rouge then the game crashed every time i tried . I will test the other two later but it might be the last colone that is the only problem.


sorry pushed enter: So, will you be adding in any other dating locations? May i suggest a park or maybe the beach/lake (great opportunity to give the girls a bikini. Trying to keep it simple, also these are good for if people don't want to use cash to take the girls on a date, thus being able to save for items later on. Also, will we ever be able to bang in the Prof-X's study? I mean, we can grab all the keys while we are brainwashing him. lol


i actually just finish a playthrough where i kept rouge love below 100 while maxing out her obedience and inihibition

Micah Watkins

I'm curious if you'll be able to get Kitty and Rogue is some hot lesbian/threesome action.


That's the plan, eventually. The current system is loosely designed to allow that, but I haven't put in all the necessary bits yet. First things first.


I appreciate this