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New build! It's mostly the same as the last one, no new major features, but hopefully some good bug fixes in there. The masturbation scenes should function better, there was a bug with kissing that was causing some odd issues that I think I fixed, getting caught having sex in public will work a bit smoother, maybe a few other little things, hard to keep track. I'm still working to improve things in general, add new features, expect a new patch in a week perhaps if there are any outstanding bugs I manage to fix, but otherwise I'll be working on the next major version, which will mostly involve rebuilding the animations a bit, overhauling the post-orgasm sequences, and further incorporating the memory system, like more chat dialog related to it.

edit: some of the public sex changes didn't quite make it into this build for reasons. Next build, promise.



Hate to be a nitpicker but I'm still having a few issue with public lewdity. Doesnt kick back to the text menu right away anymore, but if you get to where Rogue should orgasm, it THEN kicks back to the texting menu. At Max Obedience/Love/Inhibitions


Huh. The thing is, it should never kick you back to texting, if it kicks you out for any reason then it should be in a situation where it would return you to outside the chat menu entirely. . . dammit, no I think I figured out the problem, I have two open versions of the game right now, the release version and the "developer" version and I've been trying to update them both simultaneously, but one of the changes didn't transfer over. It's a fairly minor one, so all it should do is make sure that it kicks you out of the chat menu when a sex scene ends. As for the second potential problem, I'm not sure why Rogue orgasming would kick you out. It would help to know exactly which steps do and do not happen there. Does she actually go into her orgasming dialog? What might be happening is that the taboo check is made right before the orgasm checks, so if you just assume she'll orgasm on the next action then getting a "fatal" taboo reaction would preempt that. Now that I think about it though, I might want to put a failsafe in there so that if either of you are ready to pop when that happens, it gets "addressed."


it doesnt go into the orgasm dialog she just runs away and where should i report bugs?


This thread's fine, sending me a message is fine, whatever works for you. Patreon fixed this thing so it sends me an email again anytime anyone posts stuff here or in a message so I should see it.


Playing a fresh start and having gotten Rogue's Addition Rate to 6, until she came in for the first time needing a fix her Addition would go up without reducing the Addition Rate. When Rouge did need her second fix in my room she was invisible. Taking a shower doesn't progress time. Aka taking a shower in the morning the game will say you took one but it will still be morning.


Ok, the invisible thing is another issue, and that should be fixed for next build. Taking a shower does take time, but not a full period of time. A period is meant to represent up to 3-4 hours of time, and that would be a long shower. So basically there is a tracked unit of time, currently with no direct UI but I might add one later. Each time you do an activity, it uses up some of this time, but not usually all of it. The only things that burn an entire period of time is waiting/sleeping and taking a class or training session. It's worth noting that while you can take a class or training session towards the end of a time block, the more time is left "on the clock," the more benefit you get out of it. Now as for the addiction thing, I'm not sure what you're describing. Basically, any time you touch her, it should cause her addiction rate to go up, this is how much addiction she gains over time. It should also reduce her active addiction level, which is how much she currently wants a fix. Both of these then fall over time, so if you cut her off cold turkey then eventually she will settle down, but you can't directly lower her rate.


theres a bug where if you try to go into the shower when rogue is there this is the message that i get; I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Locations.rpy", line 707, in <module> IndexError: list index out of range -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 272, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 272, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 560, in script call File "Rogue_Chat.rpyc", line 121, in script call File "Rogue_Chat.rpyc", line 938, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 725, in script call File "Rogue_Chat.rpyc", line 92, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 725, in script call File "Rogue_Chat.rpyc", line 102, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 79, in script call File "script.rpyc", line 394, in script call File "script Scenes.rpyc", line 1453, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 254, in script call File "script.rpyc", line 372, in script call File "script Scenes.rpyc", line 1255, in script call File "Rogue_Sex.rpyc", line 116, in script call File "Rogue_Sex.rpyc", line 1798, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 644, in script call File "Rogue_Chat.rpyc", line 102, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 644, in script call File "Rogue_Chat.rpyc", line 102, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 725, in script call File "Rogue_Chat.rpyc", line 102, in script call File "Rogue_Sex.rpyc", line 116, in script call File "Rogue_Sex.rpyc", line 1798, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 558, in script call File "Rogue_Chat.rpyc", line 121, in script call File "Rogue_Chat.rpyc", line 942, in script call File "Rogue_Sex.rpyc", line 116, in script call File "Rogue_Sex.rpyc", line 1798, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 558, in script call File "Rogue_Chat.rpyc", line 102, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 163, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 560, in script call File "Rogue_Chat.rpyc", line 102, in script call File "Rogue_Sex.rpyc", line 116, in script call File "Rogue_Sex.rpyc", line 1798, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 644, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 272, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 707, in script File "D:\Others\Rogue-Like-0.961-win\Rogue-Like-0.961-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1593, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "D:\Others\Rogue-Like-0.961-win\Rogue-Like-0.961-win\renpy\python.py", line 1482, in py_eval return eval(py_compile(source, 'eval'), globals, locals) File "game/script Locations.rpy", line 707, in <module> IndexError: list index out of range Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.961 i didnt want to put the whole bug line here but for some reason i cant seem to pm you also some times when you in either room it still show dialogue and option as if you were in public


I created a google doc to document the Addition and Addition Rate off of a new fresh start, and opted not to make out resulting in the Addition Rate starting at 5 instead of 6 like my original post. <a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XY0S8zBFPEMTJB51AZBR4uRiKE7EheTdgv8G4nNWz8w/edit?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XY0S8zBFPEMTJB51AZBR4uRiKE7EheTdgv8G4nNWz8w/edit?usp=sharing</a> As you can see until Thursday afternoon the Addition Rate didn't go down at all, I also went ahead and just waited in the room until then. After her visit the Addition Rate started to go down normally. On the shower and other activities, yea it would help if it showed how much of the time block had been used like a pie-chart or something, and though no where near a priority but would be nice if the game would move automatically forward should a time block get filled with partial times instead of having to select wait. Something somewhat related that could be nice is the ability to choice not to do an activity for the whole block, aka Training but leave enough time to take a shower.


Something else I found is that I had fooled around with Rouge tiring her out and after talked with her, resulting in her dragging me to her room for the boyfriend conversation and her too tired to do any of the activities after having chosen pick and activity instead of the sex suggestion. In hindsight should have tried the sex option as well but would be nice if the conversion checked to ensure Rouge was up for some action.


Sorry, I figured out what that was, a flow control oversight on my part, should work in the next build, until then it'll sometimes cause errors when entering the showers.


Ok, so a few caveats on how the system works. First, her addiction rate will never go down until you resolve the related scenes. You have to give her a "fix" of some kind during one of those scenes, even just letting her touch you, for her rate to start to drop over time. Second, the system is designed so that if her rate is low, it'll drop an additional point each night, while if it's low, it stays stable though most of the day. It's meant to be relatively easy to keep stable at a low level, harder to keep maxed out for long. I think I'll tweak that a little bit. The goal is to make sure that the player and Rogue both become aware of the addiction system as an option. As for the timer thing, yeah, some of that is new and a visual for it would be a good idea, Some activities do wait automatically though, like if you shower it basically uses a third of a block, so if you use it in the middle of the block you can go do other things, but if you shower less than 1/3 of a block left then it will auto-wait afterwards before returning control to you. It will make more sense once you can see where in the schedule you are. I didn't want to have it move completely fluidly, so that you could just do actions non-stop without waiting in between, because some important functions happen during wait cycles, and those can't take place, say, during the middle of having sex, without causing issues. And fair point about her being too tired to act, I might put a catch in there so those events don't trigger unless she's up for it, OR she could get a "second wind" if one does trigger. Probably the latter really.


Noticed something about the scene where Rogue comes into your room asking for a fix. Let's say her addiction is 90 and you say "Nothing, just touch whatever you like." She'll kiss you and then immediately say "Please, be reasonable!" It makes sense that she's frustrated here but she shouldn't blame you like that because her idea didn't work. The weirdness of that line and the vagueness of the "That helped but I'll need something else" line leads me to think that it's not an issue of unclear writing, but a code issue. I poked around in the code to see what was up (and to fix the fact that her sprite doesn't appear in this scene) and I have a few things I wanted to mention. 1) Tricking her into drinking your cum doesn't append "swallowed" to R_RecentActions. Pretty sure this was an oversight - just because she doesn't know what the serum is doesn't mean she didn't swallow. 2) Kissing her doesn't append "kissing" to R_RecentActions. In Rogue_Sex, bump lines 574-575 somewhere before line 570 to fix this. Line 570 skips over the .append("kissing") code. 3) The game only checks if "swallowed" is in R_RecentActions in order for her to say the "that helped but I need more" line. My solution was to create a list that contains every sex act that directly reduces addiction and then see if R_RecentActions contains any of those actions. If true, then she'll ask for more and if false, she'll get upset (because you're wasting her time). If you want the code I wrote for that, here it is. Disclaimer: I am not a programer at all, I have a barebones cursory knowledge of Python at best, and I'm sure there are way better ways to address this. in "Rogue_Addiction", lines 860-864 if R_Addict &lt; 40: jump Rogue_Fix_End elif checkAddictionActions(): ch_r "That. . . helped, but it really didn't take enough of the edge off. I'll need something else. . ." jump Rogue_Fix_Ultimatum in "script Functions" init python: def checkAddictionActions(): reductiveActions = ["swallowed", "kissing", "sex", "anal", "massage", "fondle breasts", "suck breasts", "fondle thighs", "fondle pussy", "insert pussy", "lick pussy", "fondle ass", "insert ass", "lick ass", "hand", "titjob", "blow"] if [i for i in reductiveActions if i in R_RecentActions]: return True


1. Yeah, I'm not exactly sure how I want to handle that, since it's a new system. Drinking it does trigger the "serum" memory though, so it is recorded in some manner. I think I'd like to keep the two separate, that way I can trigger some things based on the empirical fact that she has some jiz in her belly, and trigger different things that would only happen if she knew full well that she did. 2. Good catch, I swapped the bit with the jump in it to the last thing in that label. 3. Might work well, I'll play around with it. I already do something similar with other elements of the game. A lot of the code in those sections was written before the memory system, and hasn't yet been completely implemented there except in a few parts. You code looks good, more complex than I typically use in some ways, but I might do something slightly different. I'll play around with it. And btw, I have solved the invisibility issue on this end, I think at least, by making sure she's in the right location at the start of the scene, simple oversight on my part that I hadn't done it already.


<a href="http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/SunsetRiders7/page/2" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/SunsetRiders7/page/2</a> if you could try and get in touch with these guys theyre really good at making rogue and kitty if itll help you out ofc.. or maybe get some ideas? not all pictures are rogue or xmen but this page has quite a few


1) That's a good point. Totally didn't occur to me to just put "serum" in the reductiveActions list instead. 3) I was struggling to figure out how to check if a list contains elements from another list in Renpy for a while. Never worked with it before and I couldn't get sets or tuples working. Eventually I learned about "python:" blocks which are a godsend. Anyway, thanks for hearing me out! Really, really like the game so far, definitely my favorite of the "trainer" games so far. Keep it up!


Just want to thank you for the game. I really like it. I am looking forward to more.


I'm aware of his work and it's great stuff. I actually support his Patreon. They've got their own projects going on and I have no idea what they would be willing to add to this project, but I would welcome any cooperation.


Ok, I figured out how I want to handle this. Instead of tracking what behaviors you've actually done, it just tracks change to the addiction level. So basically if whatever it is you did has no change to her addiction level then she is some degree of upset, while if it had a significant impact but not enough then she's more encouraging.


Loving the game bro. Also, have thought of adding a few more things to the texting option? Like texting her a dick pic or her giving you a clam shot over the phone. Stuff to raise her Lust level or obedience. Maybe that's too much....


Yeah, it's something I've been wanting to add at some point, haven't gotten around to it.

Timothy Crosby

are you still doing this game?


I am, yes, although this post is about a rather old build of it. Check the links here to see what I'm working on lately: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/OniArtist">https://www.patreon.com/OniArtist</a>


Amazing ...