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Finally, new version out. It is currently being sent out to all patrons charged for the month of March, if you have been charged but did not receive the message, just message me about it. There are a lot of little things added to this version so I may have left some stuff out, but here are some of the bigger things:

* added green hoodie to the "over shirt" category, and both full length hose and tights in the "underwear" section.  The new hose might behave a little oddly, please report any cases where they are not treated as "something that gets between you and the goods," as I still need to correct some of that.

* added the option to store up to three custom outfits, instead of just one.

* changed the way the "during sex stripping" dialog functions, to make it easier to navigate.

* added the ability to change the pet name you call Rogue. Note that while you can call her many things, it will not always be wise to do so. Use your best judgement.

* I added the new "memory" system, which will keep track of certain activities and outcomes that are performed on both a "recent" basis, ie things that happened during the current block of time, and "daily" basis, things that happened earlier in the day. The most basic version of this is that if she refuses to do something, it's best not to ask her to do it again right away. This is applied in numerous ways and impacts both her permissions, and her dialog choices along the way. Not every system takes advantage of this functionality just yet, the flirting still does not include it for the most part, and the "chitchat" options don't make much use of it, but hopefully will soon. Keep track of cases where you think she really should have remembered something and behaved differently, but didn't. I'd really like to make dialog flow as realistic as possible, within reason.

* tweaked the taboo system a bit. It's still a work in progress, but a highly uninhibited Rogue should be less likely to run off when caught by students, and I'm still working on the exact details involved.

* I tweaked some behind the scenes elements of the approval mechanism, which shouldn't make a huge difference on your end, except that more actions will now reflect local taboo level, and also more actions will reflect the use of mind-altering colognes. Report if any of these permissions seem off to you.

* I added a couple new face options, a deeper blush and a different smile, which pop up occasionally but should show up more often as I iterate existing content.

Known issues/bolo:

* When you first load up, your stored custom outfit might be glitchy. Also, the original "hose" might not show up in old saves. The first time after running "wait" or "sleep" should correct this, but would need to be done for each save from a previous game. It shouldn't cause any long term issues either way though.

*if Rogue ends up in an unusual location on the screen, note what you had just been doing, and what you transitioned into. I made some changes to how she transitions between animations that should seem more natural, but has less redundancy so it might lead to her ending up on the wrong part of the screen somehow. I need to track these down to prevent it.

*if you can get her into an unexpected clothing situation (like having clothes on that break a sex pose).

*if something seems way easier than it should be relative to other actions.

*if something seems to reward way too many stat points.

I sent out another round of download links, because the first one had at least two showstoppers. One prevented you from entering Rogue's room properly, and another crashed when you tried to take a class, both have been fixed up. I expected some bugs in this version, but not such serious ones right out the gate. Sorry guys. Re-download from the second set of links if you already picked it up.

Edit 2:
So some more bug reports have been rolling in, squashing them as fast as I can. There is a known issue with moving on from kissing to heavier stuff that will kick you back to outside the sex menu sometimes, hopefully fixed for next version. There is also a known issue with the "getting caught having sex in public" element that causes some weirdness and kicks you into the texting menu. This shouldn't cause any lasting harm, just leave that menu and continue playing, should be fixed for the next build. There is also a bug with the masturbation scenes, they won't work right in this build, should in the next, avoid them as best you can. ;)

I'll wait until sometime tomorrow to come out with a new version, collect as many bugs as I can before then, since these bugs are at least mostly avoidable for the time being.



Seems like I will be the first to post an error. Started a fresh game after deleting all of my old save files and I went to sleep after the intro day. I then left the room went to the classroom and clicked to take the morning class. The game then threw that unexpected error screen up in my face. If I could post a picture then I would post a screenshot of the error.


Here is the traceback.txt for the error. I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/script Locations.rpy", line 586, in <module> NameError: name 'Int' is not defined -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "script Locations.rpyc", line 586, in script File "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.960-win\renpy\ast.py", line 785, in execute renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store) File "C:\Users\Josh\Downloads\Rogue-Like-0.960-win\renpy\python.py", line 1448, in py_exec_bytecode exec bytecode in globals, locals File "game/script Locations.rpy", line 586, in <module> NameError: name 'Int' is not defined Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.960


I got stuck in an infinite loop the first time I went to her room and got a traceback for it


Full traceback: File "C:\Users\Perry\Desktop\Rogue-Like-0.960-win\Rogue-Like-0.960-win\renpy\bootstrap.py", line 288, in bootstrap renpy.main.main() File "C:\Users\Perry\Desktop\Rogue-Like-0.960-win\Rogue-Like-0.960-win\renpy\main.py", line 428, in main run(restart) File "C:\Users\Perry\Desktop\Rogue-Like-0.960-win\Rogue-Like-0.960-win\renpy\main.py", line 107, in run renpy.execution.run_context(True) File "C:\Users\Perry\Desktop\Rogue-Like-0.960-win\Rogue-Like-0.960-win\renpy\execution.py", line 696, in run_context context.run() File "script Locations.rpyc", line 94, in script call File "script Locations.rpyc", line 261, in script call File "script.rpyc", line 920, in script File "C:\Users\Perry\Desktop\Rogue-Like-0.960-win\Rogue-Like-0.960-win\renpy\execution.py", line 52, in check_infinite_loop raise Exception("Possible infinite loop.") Exception: Possible infinite loop. Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Rogue-Like 0.960


Error when taking classes or training and same with PRS


Seems like this one wasn't quite ready for primetime.


You might want to stop sending people this release, its the buggiest one, mistakes happen.


Did you pull out at the last second because the file isn't available anymore........ what did i just say?lol


Super buggy, crashes every time you enter her room


Fraid not. It was a stupid mistake on my part. I basically had a line of dialog that was meant to change based on whether or not Rogue was in her room when you got there, and instead it actually controlled whether her room interface appeared at all because of an indent error. I don't actually go to her room a lot during testing because I have a duplicate of it with my testing interface (which you often see in screenshots), so this slipped through my own testing.


I get a glitch when trying to fool around in public places. When you choose anything in the fool around menu, it automatically goes to the Texting Rogue menu. Afterwards, anything other than leave won't work


Hmm. . . so step by step, you are in a public area, and Rogue is already there. You "chat with rogue," right? Then you choose "fool around?" Does it give you menu options or just automatically hope back to the chat menu? If it automatically hops back, did you do anything to piss her off, like repeatedly asking something she refused? I need to convey that better, but that can cause her to cancel the sex menu. Anything else that should cause you to return to a previous screen should only do so after telling you something about why that is.


Ok. Lets take this example. I go to the danger room and text Rogue to come over. She arrives and I choose Chat. I then choose fool around. I choose from there "Make Out" and "Move to Thighs". The moment I click continue, it brings the phone menu back up and the first step.


Ok, well that ain't right. I'll try and figure out what's causing it. I have a few ideas.


No need to apologize, that's what we're here for lol. Keep up the awesome work, hasn't disappointed yet once the bugs get weeded out :)


Ok, I think I narrowed it down. If it's what I'm thinking of, it should only occur if you start with kissing and then move on to other things, in which case it'll be fixed in the next version. If you notice it happening without kissing being involved at all, let me know, because that would maybe be a similar issue, but someplace else.


Its happened with any public lewdness, the kissing was just one example. I've also tried simple fondling, and it would do the same.


Btw, for some reason Patreon is not sending me emails when you guys respond or message me like it usually does, so . . . I've got to figure that out too, and in the meantime might be a little sluggish in replying.


Hmm, well that might be a different issue entirely. OH! I have an idea what might be causing it. Let me check some things. In the meantime, have to noticed it triggering the "taboo" system? Like has it said that some of the other students have noticed you?


Ok, think I fixed it, but I'll need to test under some other conditions. It basically had to do with a few little things that make for a very confusing mess. I cleaned each up and added some redundancy, so at the very least that specific situation shouldn't reoccur, but I need to double check to make sure that other situations won't be an issue. For the record, it was likely an issue of the taboo system kicking in, which should have caused Rogue to run away and leave you alone wherever you'd been. Instead her image stuck around longer than it should have, and instead of kicking you back to the location menu it just kicked you back into the chatting menu, with her technically not there which is why it thought it was texting. All sorts of little issues. . .


Do you think you could add more positions to the game? All I see is the back of Rogue.


It's not likely in the near future. Since this game allows for a lot of customization, and any scene can involve any combination of clothing, it takes a lot of work to make each position. For the time being, I believe that work is better spent adding new mechanics to the game, and new characters, but perhaps as the game evolves there will be space to add some more poses.


Hi Oni! Finally started to back you! Hope I'll be able to give more in a "not so distant future"! Could you please tell me where I can download v0.96?


Couple weird things I've noticed: Your own arousal meter can go up while you're messing around with Rogue. Like you'll be fingering her and licking her breasts and suddenly you'll get the "I'm about to cum" warning. Which is also weird in itself because if you pick the "come on her face" option it treats it like the "warn her" option. So then I got her to let me sleep over on the first day, she gave me a wake up blowjob, and then when I went to class "she got embarrassed and ran away" with seemingly no context. I don't know if this was in reference to something I did or if it's a bug so I thought I'd mention it. There's also a graphical error when you walk in on Rogue in the shower. I kept playing for a while to be absolutely sure, but her right (left on screen) nipple is slightly misplaced on her breast and you can see a sliver of a gap between it and the areola. Will continue bug hunting, but thought I should send these before I forget to or become to lazy to later. Might just keep replying to this comment to create a chain of everything I find. There seems to be a lot of weird paths on the sex scenes.


I know all these bug reports have to be a headache, so hear's something I like about the new version: If Rouge shows up at a location you're already at(ie: afternoon class after you've taken the morning one), you don't have to leave and then return in order to chat with her.


I'll play with that a bit. There is a certain amount of arousal in those activities, but I don't want it to be easy for you to get off that way, and the issue with the orgasm system you mentioned seems off. Looking it over, I think it's just an issue with the way the dialog is structured. I think with the new memory system I can go in and make that seem more natural, so that she responds differently to being surprised or warned. As for her running away in class, assuming it wasn't a bug, she likely had extreme arousal left over from previous events, and took off to "take care of it." That's meant to trigger when you let some of the flirting get out of hand. I might add something to the morning seen to make sure she at least tries to handle it on the spot. As for the shower thing, I'm not sure what's causing that. The nipple can't move on the breast, it's a single piece, so maybe what you're seeing is a water droplet or something?


Maybe. Hard to tell from my perspective, I can only zoom in so much but it just kind of looks like a white pixel right underneath. Very well could be a water droplet though. Besides that, there are some other things (and stuff I'm also forgetting but I'll get back to it later if I remember.) Currently, telling her what to wear in your rooms/training does nothing. She doesn't notice. When her addiction is high and runs into your room, often times she won't have a model until you pick something to do. Just a text bubble for stuff. I've been meaning to mention this one for the last several versions but sometimes when you finish up by doing hand stuff, ghost hands stay on her model and don't go away until you go into another sex scene with her later or get to the next day. Crap, there's definitely other things but I can't remember them at the moment... Guess I'll get back to that later again.


I'll tweak the clothing system. I'm trying to get the right balance where she will change wardrobe in certain spaces and then shift back when she leaves them. I'm getting closer to getting it right but I'm not there yet. ;) and I fixed that "invisible girl" issue for the next build, I think. Someone else reported it and I took a look and think I found the problem. She basically isn't actually in the room, but the game doesn't entirely realize this. And yeah, ghost hands, I think I've figured a solution for that too. That's a problem of triggers not being cleared when a scene ends abruptly.


Right, remembered a few more things. If you run into Rogue in the shower and then tell her to stick around for a while she never leaves. You can "make" her leave by saying, "Follow me" and then "Don't follow me" and she'll go off to wherever she's supposed to go. Sometimes when you do things in Rogue's or your room, it will treat it like it's a public interaction. This means refusal to have sex in this location, to strip, and people keep showing up with the crowd gathering thing. Upon further investigation, this seems to primarily happen whenever Rogue asks you to meet her in her room. Whether it to say "let's be boyfriend girlfriend" or if she's just in need of a fix, it seems to be centered around those types of events. Particularly the "consummate your relationship" one. It's odd because you pick that option and she immediately says, "I don't know about here..." If you have Rogue put on the thigh highs or the pantyhose, there's no option in the menus to have her take them off. The only way to get them off is to have her put on her birthday suit, or to put on pant equivalents like the jeans or the tights and then tell her to take them off. Similarly, there's an issue with telling her to undress. I'm sorry I don't remember the exact replication of this bug, but sometimes if you tell her to strip her bottoms (or "do a little of both"), you don't get to. It will skip straight back to the fool around menu. If you did a little of both, you'll get to strip her top but then she'll say, "And now the bottoms?" and it skips back to the menu. I should note this only happens with custom outfits, not with the vanilla green and pink ones. And I don't know if my memory is tricking me here or not, but I feel like I might have just gotten stuck in an endless cycle of "That's fine [Exit.]" once or twice. Hopefully I don't send you on a wild goose chase with that one. Besides bugs and stuff, I don't recall, were you planning on adding real conversation/events as well as flirting and command features on the phone system? For me, the thing that's really lacking in this game is the conversation. You basically just push your luck with physical activities until she's okay with it. I get that it's hard to come up with conversation, but you could treat it like you're trying to pick her brain on things. Asking her questions ranging from "How was your day?" to "How is it being able to really kiss someone for the first time?" to "Why do you like to dress like that?" to "Would you ever consider doing it in public?" and things like that. Something that might add a slightly more realistic progression to your relationship. And then phone things like dirty texts or once you've unlocked the "master" thing you can give her real commands from afar rather than the three (basically meaningless) options that are currently there. Something like telling her to flash the people around her, or start masturbating, etc.


Ok, I'll look into that stuff. I think most will be easy enough to clear up. The undressing part is the one I'm not sure on until I look into it, the only thing I can think of is that it auto-returns if she's already completely naked in the associated area, but if there's anything to do there it should show the menu. Might not be working right, or it might be some other issue. Have you gotten her angry about something? That can also kick you out of various menus. Still needs work perhaps. And the "chitchat" option is where general dialog happens, but yeah, it's not fully fleshed out yet.


Nah she's usually never angry at me because I'm a min/maxing piece of shit lol.


it automatically gets sent to you via message AFTER youve been charged


Thanks for your answer! Damn, nearly one month from now... :(