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Suddenly, patch notes appear! The new version release will be posted shortly after this goes up.

Ok, I've got good news, and a little bad news. The bad news first, I have been focusing on finishing up the Storm content over the past few weeks, went back in to check on the status of Rogue's sex pose, and it's just not something I would want people to stumble on and think was at all ready for prime time, so it should be inaccessible in this build (if you can find it somewhere, let me know). Don't despair though, I'll be working on finishing it up over the next week or two (which involves exporting out artwork that is already mostly finished and then making sure that the animations all work as intended, so it's not that much work),  and will definitely get it in before we're completely "done" with 0.993 and moving on to 0.994. The good news is, of course, everything else. So what is in this version?

New stuff added:
- Storm has been added as a character. She should enter the game some time after Jean joins the roster.

- Storm should have her main standing sprite, several outfit options, and any activities that take place using the standing artwork. She does not yet have her BJ, HJ, TJ, or other sex options accessible. These will be added in updates later this year. Her chitchat and quiz options are a bit limited, I do hope to flesh these out, and she does not yet have her "relationship milestone" scenes in either.

- During dates, you can now chat with the girls while eating dinner. I just thought this would be a fun bonus interaction.

Known issues:
- When doing lesbian/threesome stuff with Storm and some other girls, the "ghost hands" displayed on non-Storm girls may not appear accurate to Storm being in the scene. Those appearing on Storm's body should be accurate. I intend to fix this over the next couple weeks, but it's a really fiddly and annoying process that would have delayed release by several days and I didn't think it would be worth it.

Things to test:
- Make sure Storm's sprite works in all situations, and never does anything that seems weird, like clothing not displaying as expected, or appearing in the wrong location or something.

-Make sure Storm's  scenes all play out as expected and her interactions with other characters function properly.

-Once Storm joins the cast, she should take over Tuesdays and Thursdays from Emma in class, and Emma shifts to other areas on those days. If this does not occur, if Emma shows up there on days she shouldn't, let me know. Or if you notice anything weird about Storm as a teacher.

-If you see Rogue's new sex pose somewhere, let me know. :)

-If you can somehow access any of Storm's sex scenes that should not be available, let me know. The artwork for them does not exist, the links to access them should be locked off, and the dialog for them is just copy-pasted placeholder stuff at the moment, but it's possible I let a path to them slip through and it would just lead to weirdness.

And just in general, if the game crashes to an error screen, please let me know, either on the release thread, or in a private message. Please include the TOP portion of the error message, but when you hit a line that says "full traceback," you probably won't need to include the information that comes after that, and it can get a bit long so you should probably cut that bit out. Save early, save often, and try and keep a save before the error happened so that we can test whatever fix I attempt.


Anthony Michelli

-Excitement "She does not yet have her BJ, HJ, TJ, or other sex options accessible. These will be added in updates later this year. -Lost excitement. I'll still bug hunt anyway though


Yeah, adding new characters is always a process, if I waited until I had the art for all those animations done I wouldn't be able to get anything out for another 3-6 months. There's still plenty of fun stuff to play with in there though.


IM just hope people just not send again the Full Error code :-8


So far, whenever you leave a sex scene with a two of the girls (Laura and Kitty) the game will crash and say that it can't find Storm's BJ button. While running game code: ScriptError: could not find label 'Storm_BJ_Reset'.


Thanks, I'm on top of this one, new version within the next ten minutes or so. Just to keep things tidy, please put error report in the release post rather than in the patch notes post. That lets me keep better track of which build you were using once multiples are out there.


I wouldnt mind haveing a piss play. And maybe pass out from deep throat


Wait so Rogue's new sex pose isn't in yet then? :(


If you REALLY can't wait, it slipped into version 0.993a, in a quite buggy state, so you can sneak a peak, but yeah, not fully supported yet. Gimme a week or two.


The CCP would like to remind everyone that if Storm starts speaking in Mandarin, you might have the red storm rising update.


asked storm about relation ship with emma, got a IndexError list index out of range File "game/scrip Scene.rpy line 2045"