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Ok, things seem to be shaping up pretty well. I've mostly been focusing on writing and dialogue, and at this point I have most of that finished! I also have Storm's room artwork in-game and her wet hair styles are also done. So what's left? I still have to finish exporting her "half-dressed" clothing art, and I still need to do some UI stuff, and I need to test through her early scenes to make sure they basically work.

I'll probably put off most of the clothing options on Rogue's new sex pose until after the first beta release (but probably within the first week or two because it's mostly finished and just needs exporting), and I also plan to add some new content over the beta period.

For those fairly new to the community (welcome), you'll find that the first release of a new version will likely be VERY buggy, like it might just hit a dead end fairly early on because I forgot to change a setting or misspelled a variable. Sorry about that, but we do have a great community of bug-hunters around here that call these to my attention and I try to be very fast about fixing them, so there might be 2-3 builds in the first day alone. Over the next few weeks I will be continuing to fix bugs, adding smaller content, and responding to criticisms, until I feel satisfied that this version is fairly stable and I can move on to working on the next one. 



oh cool, you releasing it at the end of the month as well if so great!

Carlos O Vela

Keep up the fantastic work you do for us Oni, we'll do the ground work and hunt down the bugs like always with a smile and report back asap!


Inner Florida Man: *grabs rifle and bug bait* Ah shit here we go again😎. Them crawlers ain't gonna know what hit 'em I tell you hwhat; Even get my pet radio active alligator on crack to hunt 'em down.


Oni, keep up the good work!


*snorts* "there might be 2-3 builds in the first day alone." We have witnessed you put out like 5 builds (or more) in one day, you're an absolute unit. For you're sake, I hope it's "only" 2-3. Whatever way it turns out, respect and love.


Preview? Got a preview? Preview? Preview? <3


Just to be clear, this means that Rogue's new sex pose will be in the game, she'll just show up naked depending on what outfit she has equipped right? If it means I finally get to see those full C's while we bang, I am totally okay with this turn of events.


Theme song? https://youtu.be/EwTZ2xpQwpA ;)


Thanks for the Update, im gonna be happy to play, when you need bughunters, 👍


This community has probably the greatest Bugbusters that i have ever seen xD


I will definitely put some version in so that people can begin testing it. I haven't messed with it in a couple months because I've been focused on getting Storm out, but last I remember it's actually fully active already. I'll probably rig it up so that any clothes default to her default clothes version until I get the alternatives in.


Always love dodging bugs, it's like a minigame


have you ever thought about pregnant content? maybe when you have reached all the girls today


I'm kind of curious about the endgame mission. Like, once you've subdued the girls, what's the character's plan? Or is the game just going to remain as a sandbox experience?


In a game like this one, that would cause a massive amount of work. I would need to create an alternate body for each girl, in most of their poses, and with alternate versions of most of their clothing to fit that body shape. I just have a lot of other priorities on the project, sorry.


It's purely sandboxy. There will be no "the end, credits roll" to it. I will continue to add occasional milestone or "event" stories that you can trigger, but it will always be about continuing to play until you don't feel like playing anymore. ;)


I do enjoy your creation but I was just wondering when are you going to release the latest update


aaaah I understand, I knew it was too early, but I was hoping for the future, however it remains a fantastic job,congratulations


"Soon." I'll release it as soon as it's playable, which is likely within the next few days. I've made a lot of great progress over the last few days, a lot of little things going from 90% done to 100%.


Do you have like a long term roadmap for the game that you could show? So that we know roughly what to expect. Not for a timescale more for content. Cheers man you do amazing work


Just wondering If your planning to add more events and other content involving the girls you already have or are you going to focus on adding more girls to the game first


And is what can be done with the existing girls going to be the full extent of what can be done with all future girls?

Mr Static

@Oni Just a heads up but it looks like someone is trying to take credit for your work on itch.io. https://lustgames2015.itch.io/rogue-like-evolution


Is there a phone download for the v992? I've tried to look but I cant find one


Wow they're even charging for it. That's real scumbaggery right there.


I went to that site and reported them for unauthorized distribution of material. Not sure if it will help, or if the site mods care, but Oni deserves to be defended for his hard work. Screw scumbags like that.


Damn they only changed some backgrounds. Think the other games they sell are ripped off as well. This is just sad tbh. Reported this as well.


You can find APK files around but they are generally older versions as people convert them and ONI doesn't do android versions


Thanks I'll just get it on my laptop if I can get it to work


The plan is to continue to add characters and content over time. The only concrete plans involve finishing up Storm's content that the other girls have, and then figuring out which girl to add next.


I'm always open to adding new content for the existing girls, I'm occasionally inspired to do so, like the phone sex options and that sort of thing.


Heeeey Oni, is everything okay? You always done an incredible work! I want to know one thing, if you have plans to progress with the 'history' of the game, add some character progress content, and if you have plans to add an 'villains' school or a Magneto's secret base, with villain girls, it's gonna be awesome and add some more dephts in the game. Sorry my english, I'm from another country :D


Yes, man, it's all cool of course, but they do everything alone (as far as I understand) so these shtkui will be done in the best case half a year (if he / she wants to do it)


Thanks! I tend not to do the "villain" type content in this game, because I basically imagine that is all happening in the background while you aren't having fun at school. This game is like the "other side" of the comic adventures. I feel like time I spent doing more superheroey types stuff that other content already covers would be time I could spend better on the core content of this game.


I've never subscribed to a Patreon before but I've played your game for a couple years now. I have always enjoyed this game and I appreciate you making it! Thanks for doing what you do.


Yo Oni, have you ever though of adding Domino to the roster? She could be at the school as the "Loner Punk Bitch" sterotype and she could mention stuff like rehabilitation to be a better person and perhaps a hero (Her being at the school could justify that and vice a versa )


She's certainly an option. Maybe I'll figure out an angle for her for the next "choose girl #6" poll (likely in the fall).