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So apparently the survey is capped out, thanks for all the good feedback guys. for the numbers battle, it looks like adding new characters is very important to people, so I'll focus on getting Kitty rolling soon, and have some plans for our third girl. Adding new sexual interactions is also a big one, so I'll try to get something going with that as well. Clothing and flirtation/dialog were seen as slightly below those two, but still fairly high, so I'll definitely keep on that end as well.

Since people seem to be interested in this raffle idea, here's what I'm thinking:

Starting at the second week of April, after the March pledges have all been processed, anyone who pledged at the $5 level or above would be put in selection to have their name drawn randomly. The winner selected would be able to choose a character that they want to see me draw, and a general pose. They can be. . . interacting with another character, but I would get to decide who that character is and how much they're in the frame, just to keep it simple. I would then complete the picture, and all the patrons would get to see it. I would also still offer ink and PSD versions at the higher levels, as usual.

I would have some say of the contents of the image, and it must be a parody character, not an OC, I want it to be something that everyone can enjoy. Does that sound reasonable to you guys? Should I make that official?



Sounds official to me :) , let's roll with it!


I'd say that's more than reasonable! Go for it!

Swag McGee

Would the winner be choosing a character for just a stand alone image, or for a character to be added to the game?


Oh, just for a standalone image. A game character would represent dozens upon dozens of hours of work, I couldn't raffle something like that off.


Sounds ok as long as you keep it softcore