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As promised a (roughly) weekly bug fix update, still doing a bunch of other stuff that isn't ready for prime time yet, but you'll see it as soon as it is. Links have been sent out to everyone who was processed for December, I think they've gotten everyone already, but if they hadn't gotten to you yet just shoot me a PM and I'll mail you the link, or I'll just catch you on the next round.

Patch notes:

-Fixed some wonky dialog when removing clothes, based on poor event ordering. Still working on this system though.

-Tweaked the base sex interface, slightly cleaner layout.

-Fixed an error relating to her outfit shame

-Fixed a "Count3" error, there was never any Count3.

-Fixed a bug relating to sleeping over

-Fixed at least some of the errors causing you to end up in unintended locations, but please report any that persist.

-Changed how the "high inhibition stat" scene plays out while dating.

-I made a big scary change to one of the core stat functions. If I did it right, you should notice absolutely no change whatsoever. If I fucked it up, then all hell could break loose. Let's see which happened! Basically I added in overflow checking to the stat-adjustment tool itself, which meant rewriting a large chunk of it, and since this thing is called each time you see one of those floating numbers, messing it up could be a big deal. ;) It seems to work as intended though, but keep your eyes peeled for weirdness. The only intended changes are that core stats should never appear to be over 100 now, for any length of time, and also it's now possible for her to orgasm even when outside of sex scenes (before she would just hover at 100 Lust until a sex scene came along to knock her over the edge).

-Added some "flirty" options to the chat dialog, use at your own risk, likely to expand.

-Overhauled her masturbation scene a bit, flows differently now internally, should work mostly the same on your end with some minor control tweaks, but it's more fluid and I plan to expand on the options it gives to allow Rogue to make some of her own choices during sex (assuming you can't override them).I think I might shift it to default to the Doggy-style view, where I can add a limited animation to it.



Got this after switching actions after rejecting her advances until she was willing to do sex stuff. <a href="http://pastebin.com/TzsP2XQF" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/TzsP2XQF</a>


When walking in on her masturbating in her room, the game crashes if she finishes while I'm jackin' it and watching. Also I trained in the Danger Room before going into her room in this situation. Not sure if this caused a specific glitch, but the dialogue is just building as opposed to refreshing. (Basically, I have the Danger Room dialogue and up to 3 of her masturbation dialogues in the box before she orgasms.) Offering a "helping hand" or asking her what she wants you to do after she finishes masturbating returns an infinite loop error. I was able to continue by choosing "it looks like you have things under control", and everything seems to be working correctly after that.


Also it seems like any sex action initiated, even if she's at lover level, decreases love.


Oh, right, and good morning blowjobs end immediately when you choose "So, um, you want to get back to it?"


Hi, im so poor...I goto pay the one dolar patreon i can downloand rogue0.93?


you'll have to wait the next month, 'cause the patreon work at the beginning of each month. So sad, I subscribed on patreon just for this and I have to wait too.


Bah, ok,. Thanks for pointing it out. I'm having a tough time nailing down exactly what went wrong there, but I put in something that should stop it happening again.


Ok, I think I found the problem with the morning thing, Stupid == instead of = mistake which was hopefully causing it.


As for her love level dropping in cases you don't think it should, please give me an example of one action that is doing this, what the love level was before you started it, and what it ended up at.


1. For the problem of it crashing when you walk in on her, it would help if you could get me more detailed crash data, like the line it says this occurs on and what type of error it's throwing back. I can look into it but that's a pretty broad area otherwise. 2. That might narrow it down a bit, or another problem entirely, perhaps, but I think I can at least fix this part. 3. I'll look into that.


Happens the same to me. For example with 94 love, 100 obedience and 105? inhibition asking for a massage, sex, masturbate, hand/tit/blowjob or touch any part of her body drops love 5 points. The only actions that don't drop love are kiss and dance. Also actions like flirt or study seems to stop giving increases after a few times, the only thing that give any increase is the sleepover that ups +1 love althought the visual red message does not appear. Don't know if it was intended.


Ok, I think I narrowed down the issues with the masturbation scene . It's the most complex scene in the game so far, because you can enter it from multiple places and it has to be flexible enough to adapt to each.


As for what you're talking about Arcash, for one thing, no stat should be about 100, ever (at least not until I bump the cap, and then they should cap at 1000). So if there are any getting above that then something's not working right. Second, most actions do have a cap as to how high they can impact a stat, for example saying certain naughty things might increase her inhibition if it's very low, but have no impact if it's already very high. That's by design, so certain activities will stop rewarding stat-ups once you've gotten that stat above their cap. I still don't have a handle on the love dropping thing though, it should not be dropping at all unless you're forcing her into things she doesn't want to do, and with stats that high that doesn't seem like it should be an issue. I'll look into it again.

Baron Ned

If your love stat is really low, should the addiction rate drop? And if so is it meant to rise again?


So far as I know, the two should have nothing to do with each other, but the addiction rate does drop slowly over time. It's basically like if she goes "cold turkey" from contact with you, then gradually she'll get over the cravings. Someone else pointed out that it can be hard to keep this up, so I added an option in conversations to touch her cheek, which should spike her addiction rate levels each time if no other options are available.


Well, apart of the masturbation or love always droping in sex no matter the stats I noticed a few not so serious things. They don't break the game, i think, but are there 1) In the level up menu, when you want to decrease addictiveness it say increase instead, althought it works correctly. 2) In the Danger room menu, on the presentation text in the middle appear these words "Taboo Index:40". They should appear? it sounds weird. 3) There is a instance when Rogue wants to see in your room and when you arrives there is a message about her touching your package but no image is loaded. 4) Maybe related but as far i played i haven't seen neither the scene of sex friend or fuck buddy even with max stats yet i have the sex friend title. In fact, when i thought that i was going to achieve any of the scenes i got the message in 3)


Ok, #1 fixed! Thanks for that one, dumb typo. #2. Nope! Diagnostic thing, removed! 3. Ok, I'll fix that! Basically that's the replacement for the "Maxed inhibition" scene if you're dating, I'll definitely add graphics to it though. 4. Yup, see #3. People were rightly noting that it's weird that she would ask to be your sex friend after you're already dating, so right now, it basically just calls the short scene you say, and then unlocks the titles for use at your discretion. I don't currently have "breaking up" in but that will definitely be possible later, and if you ever do break up, but have "sex friend" unlocked, then she will initiate that scene again. I might continue to tweak how all that plays out though.


I was just about to comment with exactly what Arcash said about the love decreasing. Also, her reaction seems to be that she doesn't want to do any of those things Arcash mentioned nomatter how high your stats are. For example, at 100 love and obedience and 104 exhibition (I'm having the same over 100 exhibition problem), she still responds to blowjobs with "whatever." Even if you get it to the point where she won't waste a drop, she still responds negatively to everything except makeout, dance, and flirt (and maybe strip, I didn't test this one too much). Don't know if that helps any.


Hmm, it sounds troubling. I'll have to poke around and see what's causing that. if you have 300 stats then even she should be good with anything. I think I narrowed down the problem from what you just said there, she has a state of feeling pressured into things she doesn't want to do, that causes a bad attitude and negative stats, but this state should wear off over time, and if it's happening constantly then it's likely that it got applied somewhere and didn't get cleared out, so I'll need to go back through and see why that's happening. At least now I know what to keep an eye out for. Probably.


Didn't know about that change so i was waiting for the scene like an idiot :P.


Some of the array elements are missing a , after them. (although I think it's 922-923).


I'm not exactly sure where you mean here, what element is breaking for you?


Can't wait to see where this goes! Any plans for other outfits (rogue's original suit for example). Love to see some more x-girls and villains in the future!


I'm always thinking of adding new outfits, of course getting them into all modes takes a bit of work. There is a workout costume in the works that is sort of an homage to one of Rogue's classic styles, but I don't plan to add her Evo "supersuit" at the moment. Right now I'm spending most of my time coding and writing stuff though.


sry for offtopic. but where do i get link for HU files to download?


Year 1: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/1195566">https://www.patreon.com/posts/1195566</a> Year 2: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/1248674">https://www.patreon.com/posts/1248674</a>


I might be blind, but where do i get the download? I can't seem to find any links. :/


I send out game links around the beginning of the month once Patreon is done processing the pledges, or whenever I have a new version to test out.


Reading comments... I pick the best days to join patreons to check out new games!