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So, apparently there's some tax thing going around Patreon next month, something about various jurisdictions taxing digital goods. I don't fully understand it myself, and hopefully it shouldn't amount to much, but it is a flexible system where I can set vague targets as to what the "value" of what I provide is, verses how much of it is more of a "donation." I could just set it all as a donation, or something close to that, but I don't think that would be entirely honest, and I want to be as honest and fair as I can be. I do think taxes have value to them, and while I want you guys to get a good deal out of this, I don't think there would be much benefit to trying to be shady about it.

So here's how I've divided things up. Per the Patreon suggested model, the $1 donation will be considered half donation, and half digital good. I think that means taxes will be applied on 50 cents, and I think that can mean 5-25% tax on that amount depending on where you live, which would mean like 3-13 cents. There are more details here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043054911-New-Sales-Tax-Requirements-effective-July-1st-2020

Since I don't really put out much of "value" at the higher and higher tiers, I've reduced the relative tax on each of those tiers, the $3 tier being taxed for 30% of that $3 (or X% of ~$1, depending on where you live), up to the $50 tier only being taxed for 1% of the amount donated. I believe that this is a fair and honest interpretation of the rules, since at those tiers, you're not getting much "stuff" lately that the $1 patrons are getting, and the rest is just support of the project we're building here, for which I'm very grateful. It's a bit more art than science, since I can only guess at what individual patrons find to be "of value" from their pledges, but I think this balance accurately reflects the average patron.

This all seems complicated to me, and I'm sorry if I can't be more specific with it, but let me know if anyone sees a charge they weren't expecting, and I'll see what I can do about that. 



'iT'lL bE gOoD fOr ThE eCoNoMy!!' Ugh shit was good when it was a flatout charge....thanks for the update at least.


It's a corona tax


The only good you offer is the game. I think if you provide the game for free elsewhere, you can call it 100% donation. If you require patronage for the game, then the lowest tier that gets the game is close to 100% for the good; higher tiers are probably the lower tier is for the good, and the higher tier is donation.


I don't want to push it. I'm sorry that this might cause a slightly larger charge, I certainly don't benefit from that, but I don't want to stretch the truth either. :D


Well, over here in Germany I've been paying 19% VAT on Patreon pledges since forever. I don't think those new settings will change that. (Germany actually just lowered VAT to 16% for the rest of 2020 due to Corona. Let's see if Patreon honors that, at least...)


yeah I was checking and as far as I understood the tax will be for the patreon and it'll be relative to its location because you live in europe you'll continue pay the taxes you mention and nothing else. For example I'm on a country where these taxes don't apply. Sill important what Oni is explaining and doing for people of those few countries.


Yeah, I personally think that the grand majority of what you get from Patreon is in fact donation. How much could you reasonably say the cost of your game would be if it could be bought on the shelf completely finished? $20? $40? $60 AAA game? I mean yeah, how much enjoyment each person gets out of it is definitely up for debate but at the end of the day most of us donate to you on Patreon not just to 'buy the game' but more to give you the support you need while you create something we love. Just my two cents but I feel it makes sense.

Scott S.

Set it up however you feel comfortable. Does Professor X even pay taxes? The whole school seems kind of shady to me.


Thanks, that's my feeling as well, I feel like this is a community project.


Oh, yeah, I'm going to have to set up a "tax season" event in game for people to pay their taxes on their stipend, aren't I. . .


Unrelated, but when is the new girl's butt stuff gonna be in? I wanna tax that ass


these 20% will go to the state treasury. but in reality, as always, the budget will be cut. taxes taxes taxes, I am surprised that in Russia only recently thought of taking taxes from such services. I hope they choke. and generally what the hell I have to deduct taxes from my salary, so there will also be taxes. maybe start to "pirate" on torrents and yes my ass burns with this news


Presumably the same time as the sex stuff, I need to make the art for it. My intent is to get that stuff done for the next major version in a few months.


What about diversity in replices? Like option "other girls" in "just want to talk".


I can't fap to dialogue. The little dialogue this game has is one of my favorite things.


Sorry to hijack this post. Some people I've been playing the game with told me to tell you that they would appreciate if we could rename the "Inhibition" stat to something more intuitive. In their minds, "Inhibition" is a stat to be lowered instead of raised, so the girls are less inhibited... and they suggested for it to be renamed "Exhibition" or something entirely different, more desireable. Just so you know to raise the stat if you want more options.


Yeah, perhaps. I do understand the confusion, I just had a hard time coming up with a single word that accurately reflected the intent. I'd also considered having it be a stat that starts maxed and lowers to zero, but that just got confusing as well.

Mr Static

I think exhibitionism is the word that your friends are looking for. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exhibitionism

Sary Gimmons

Kink level, or freak level, maybe?


i agree i think Kinky or Easy going would work