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Here are all the girls collected for convenient viewing. 




Either maskless Gwenpool or Jean Grey imo :3


Yeah, I mean obviously Gwen would be maskless at least some of the time. Mask on will probably be her initial state, but pretty quickly she'd take it off and then it would be a random/player choice sort of thing. She'll also obviously have more casual outfits than just the uni.


I'd prefer Jean or Wanda... Especially long-haired Wanda in her evolution outfit...


Eh, either Jean or Ororo would be my choice, I like girls with longer hair *coughandlargerattributescough* Gwen and Jubilee (In that order) would be my 3rd and 4th choice. Wanda's pixie-cut is a bit of a turn-off and I can't stand Squirrel Girl even with the makeover.


i am excited and scared of gwen on one hand, she kind of knows everything that you have been up to with the other girls, which should help corrupt her? or is the game not the same as comic? on the other hand it should be harder to corrupt her, because she should be naturally resistant to mind control, and her knowing what you are doing and what type of game this is should help her be on her guard there could be a thing where she is kind of stuck in the game as long as you are playing, because of your abilities xD, on the other hand as soon as you quit, there may be something like you stop existing in that world or the whole world stops existing so she is free, though you could capture her with a save game, or is save game disabled with her around because of her abilities? i am probably just wrong and i dont understand how she works or how she interacts with an ability-cancelling mutation, but i am excited about the possibilities she brings and terrified at the same time for various reasons


Im probadly the only one whta ließ to See Doreen. On sec think time Wanda is really Cute tbh but jubilee is nice too... I cant decide but my First girl is Doreen.


Lol, I will definitely limit her ability to break *too* much, I don't want to go full Monika with her. Remember that in the comics if she breaks too much then it sort of snaps back into place, the meta-narrative won't accept changes that are outside the scope (ie, she can't be cock-blocking the protagonist of an erogame too much). :D She also recognizes that her book's been cancelled, so as far as she knows this is her only existence, and she has to deal with it as best she can. That doesn't mean she immediately falls into your lap, but it does mean she knows which side her bread is buttered on. She'll mostly play out like a normal girl, just one more wise to you, and who can sometimes peek around the corner of the simulation and get to places she shouldn't or mess with the occasional variable.


It's a tough lineup. At least he didn't include psylocke or dazzler


Nice lineup. I kinda wish the girls were colored in and showcased how they'd actually appear in game, as I feel the actual finalized design is different from just a sketch, but hopefully all the girls will pop up as time goes on. Time to cast my vote.


I would love jubilee


Storm is my first choice. Both for getting a second instructor. (maybe a side plot of her investigating why Xavier letting the new guy do all this lewd stuff in public) Also, she isn't another white woman. Not saying we need diversity, just think she stands out the most of all the options on the table.


wanda is dope


Jubilee looks really good. Love to see her in the game.

Peter Vanusanik

gwenpool does seem like the best choice since she can be aware of us players and have fun 4th wall breaking scenes


I like her face. Not the costume though :D


Rankings: 1. Storm 2. Jean 3. Jubilee 4. Gwen .... ... .... 9999. Doreen


Sad part, while I like the art on a few, the story behind alot of them, not so much. Do have to saw that Doreen making the list at all is a shame but, oh well :)


Storm is my number one because, frankly, I think we've got enough vanilla and could do with some chocolate :P That said, Wanda with the short hair cut was a close second. And to be honest Doreen would have been up there as well (nice to have a bit of variety, plus she seemed kinda sweet), but the poll has already made it pretty clear that most of the patrons don't agree. Honestly, I'd be cool with anyone except for Gwenpool (I know, *gasp* What blashphemy!)


Doreeeeeen and another vote for Storm

Cliff Hanger

I like Gwen Stacy but don't really care for the Gwen Pool version. Spider-Gwen makes far more sense.


Gwenpool is not a Gwen Stacy. She's just a girl named Gwen. She's a really fun character and you should check out her book, especially the last two volumes after she gains superpowers.

Ricardo Mota

My vote goes to Ororo or Gwen, since both have great(er) potential as characters as far as I see! :)


She was originally invented as part of a series of spoofs of Spider-Gwen, several illustrations of Gwen Stacy as various superheroes. Gwenpool was one of several such, but she was popular enough to warrant further exploration, and so they retconned her into "Gwen Poole" a character with no connection to Gwen Stacy and only thematic/visual ties to Deadpool. Cliff Hanger isn't wrong: she was a Gwen Stacy when she was first invented, she's just grown past that now.


I'll be honest the only girl on the list I wouldn't chase after and just let her do her own thing while I run around and chase everyone else would be Doreen


True, but I would argue that she never actually was a "Gwen Stacy," just that her visual design was *inspired by* a Gwen Stacy. Like the one on the variant cover was never *actually* a character, but the *character* of Gwenpool was created after that, based on that design.


Need a redhead. Enough said. Jean


Jean or storm for visual/color variety in the girls, is my 2 cents.


My top to bottom list Gwen Jean Ororo Jubilee Doreen Wanda