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Ok, this is a character that should be pretty fun, Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch. Daughter of Magneto (despite some confusion on the topic), and sister to Quicksilver. She's a bit of a troublemaker, most chaotic of the available options, and least interested in you to start. She might be more interested in other characters though. . .

I'll admit, I haven't quite narrowed down the hair choice on this one, so I threw three options in there. The one on the full figure model is closest to the original animated version, the  one on the bottom right is a version more influenced by the comics, and the one on top right is a last minute addition, more modern, I think. Kinda debating whether to keep the animated version having naturally black hair, or the comic's naturally auburn. Leaning towards the latter, for variety. For her costume, I sort of mixed two different looks she had on the show.

So, that should wrap up the Girl 5 candidates, and-

Wait, no, you're forgetting one here. ME! Gwen Poole! I've already got a sprite and everything! Well, half a sprite. A spritelet. Diet Sprite. Anyway, I threw together a character sheet you can use, I found a sketch you had of my face without the mask on. Probably just a rough draft. Anyway, I can be a lot of fun too, so please consider me!

Ok, I think we can include Gwen in the pool too. For those that don't know her, she's not Gwen Stacy, and not a rule 63 Deadpool, she's just a person from the "real" world who ended up trapped in the Marvel universe with a decent amount of comic knowledge. She since learned some fighting skills from Batroc, and also learned that she can step in and out and between the pages of the books, giving her some fun and meta options to essentially travel through time and space.

I really enjoy the character, and there are some fun meta elements to play with, so let's consider her "Candidate G." Right now I just have portions of her base sprite done, I'd still need to do her regular clothing, regular face and hair, all that stuff, so it's not like she would be much easier to finish than the others. Characterwise she would be aware that she's in an erogame, but unaware of what exists outside of it, so she would be reacting to the player character as an avatar, rather than to the player directly.

And that should wrap up the candidates. I'll be putting up a poll for them in a few days. I won't be closing it for a few weeks after, so no rush to get your votes in right away. Have fun!




Gwenpool all the way, not really intrested in rest of the possible #5 in-game ladies 😜 I guess Gwenpool would work well, and You can continue the story with her from that Laura, MC, Gwenpool moment ^^ Anyway all the best Oni and have an awesome December, Xmas and yeah a Happy 2020!


I love the idea of Storm or Jean, but Gwenpool could be hilarious and add some hilarious elements....


I bet Gwen will be a lot of trouble bugwise...


I really like Wanda as a character and in terms of the hair options seem to care more for the traditional animated one, though I’d be down for auburn hair with that cut. I am definitely very excited for Jean and squirrel Girl as well.


I'm torn between Wanda or Jean. Wanda would fit cause of dtiberius heh. But Jean would fit cause it's begun to fuck Scott. Making that danger room laser hit more personal. Oh the possibilities oh the scenarios. Psychic handjob or reality altering blowjob. Fuuuuuuck

Hao P

I like the look of Wanda, Might I suggest Selene Gallio? We can set up some great White Queen vs. Black Queen activities.

Victor Dusk

what happens to the girls who lose out? are they gone? or is there a chance of adding them later?


They are forever removed! No, not really. They would just get rolled into the next character poll. This is just to determine which girl is next, although realistically it would be a while before the girl 6 poll even starts, so probably best to pick the one that you want to see next.


1. Not sure where "Candidate F" is. :D 2. Wanda will likely have my vote there. Saved the best for last, did you?

The Silent One

of course I'd like to see all of the girls, but my Vote still goes to Storm. Because she's Storm. :D


I like short hair style. With that we will have quite a diversity with girls hair. But, since she is short tempered and little chaotic, wouldn't she be the same as Laura? I, personally, like very much the work you done with girls character, every each of them is different not only by looks, but with the mood too.


Storm or Jean ftw!

Snub Birth

if your taking votes, 1 for longer hair and Jean as the next girl.

Ai Muhao

Shit, she was trained by Batroc? I can buy her being a more than adequate fighter, then.

Ai Muhao

I don't think she'd overlap with Laura. Laura's a more "cool and impersonal" aloof while I always figured Evolution Wanda to be the more "I don't like being around people PERIOD" aloof. So Laura'd be more "oh, okay. Doesn't really bug me," while Wanda'd be more, "Yeah, whatever. I didn't care anyway."

Gerald L

I like the Wanda on the left, maybe the one on the top right can be like an alternate hair style version you can unlock int he styles settings for the character later on.


So, definitely prefer long hair Wanda. If you grew up with the Avengers comic series from the early 90s where she was trying to find her heritage she did so much amazingly sexy stuff then. I've had a thing fot curly haired brunettes ever since.


However as a whole I've always had a crush on Jubilee. I think it might be a little difficult to separate her from kitty. Maybe have her be a little more of a promiscuous party girl.


Yeah, she's ok. It tends to vary by writer, but she's generally depicted as "better than your average henchman, at least." She's no Robin though, outside of her powers.


Storm all the way!


Gwenpool is really strong too. Everyone should check out the gwenpool strike back miniseries in which she tries to make out with Mr Fantastic and throws a island combat tournament while everyone is in swimsuits... mostly bikinis.


storm ofc


Storm or jean are fine and I would be happy to see them. Jean especially if I could switch her through all the different costumes she's had and Storm especially if punk mohawk storm was available. Also Jean would be cool if you could work in Madeline Pryor. Jeans evil clone. Maybe having an all Jean 3some would make her a little unique and fun


Storm ofc


I may be in the minority here but instead of new characters, maybe flesh out the ones we have? At the moment we have 4 characters that basically amount to grind stats get sex. Maybe some real events or some story or activities. The game just still feels very "bare" in what we can do.


if only 1 girl could make it in, I would prefer it to be Storm, but Wanda is definitely my number 2 if we can have a second eventually; also regarding hair, I think going with her default hair (left) would be best, but maybe give an option for long hair (lower right)


I'll keep trying to add new experiences to the game, and typically as I work on a new character I add new elements that I carry over to the rest.


Wanda looks better with longer hair in my opinion, so I'd go with the bottom right look. Of course, that might be my distaste for bobcuts/short hair talking. To each their own, and it's ultimately up to Oni. Gonna be interesting to see the poll. I may be in the minority, but I'll probably be picking squirrel girl. If not her, Storm and Jean are the other two that I have my eye on, and they'll probably be the two that will be the majority vote. We'll see.

Hugo Frizon

Yeah I'd prefer long hair too, just more my type, prettier to me


Damn Oni how'd you know I love Big titty goth sister girls. You're after my own heart. Idea for the hair styles to where you can use all three and they make sense in game. The one on the left is her base hair in black, top right is her alt style also in black, but keep the long in auburn as a wig that she wears. New rankings for girls 1 Storm 1.5 Scarlett Witch 2 Jean Grey 4 Jubilee 6 Gwenpool 87 Squirrel girl

Jon B.

Liking Storm most so far. Request for the next girl feature add- some lesbian poses would be very welcome :)


I like Gwen. Mix it up a bit, but Wanda also works

philip brown

i would like to recommend that when you do the poll oni, do several polls with multiple choice first to narrow down the choices and then do a single choice poll. ex. list all girls at first and have us click our fav. 3. then the three choices, we pick top 2, then do the final pick you fav. girl. this would allow this little comunity a good chance to pick rather than tons of people just posting. and a lot of work on your part on going through it all.


gwen or jean .... or both please!!!


I think a sketch doesn't do Wanda's short hair justice. It's gonna look great when it's colored with the red on bottom and black on top!


I’m thinking either squirrel girl or Gwen

Jacob Kain

Squirrel Girl and Gwen have such different body types than most of the other girls we have right now, so they're probably highest on my list due to sheer variety, I think? So like, 1. Squirrel Girl 1.5 Gwen 2. Ororo 3. Jubilee or Wanda 80. Jean (not really digging the personality type for her, and I feel like it'd almost be too much of a repeat from some of the existing girls)


I like the bangs in the long hair style-a lot, but all three of them look good and would add variety. I’m pretty sure canonically in the 616, she’s supposed to be the most beautiful woman on the planet, so I don’t know if that’s something you could play with? (Honestly just a weird thing I heard somewhere.) My rankings are: 1. Jean 2. Wanda 3. Jubilee 4. Doreen 5. Gwen 6. Ororro, was not a fan of her Evo design, if she ended up looking more comic based it would change.


I'd elect for a more comic book longer style, as I think they were going for a more butch and punk look in Evolutions. Unless we're wanting her to get converted away from being a lesbian by MC, I'd think that a less lesbian vibe is probably ideal.


I'd really love an official poll of sorts. That being said I love Gwen's design - her knowing she's in the game could lead to some fun dialogue too.


So voting for Wanda and personally I liked her Evolution version of her hairstyle.

Scott S.

This pre-vote voting is kind of silly, but I gotta agree on Storm. Gwen and short-haired Wanda are pretty cute, though.


add me to game i am best girl..wait im not a girl though....


Yeah, I mean Patreon offers a built in poll option, so it won't be based on comments (although comments are also fine to get a judge to *why* people vote for things and what expectations people have), but you make a good point about a single "first past the post" voting process perhaps not giving the best results. It's not like this is as serious as Presidential results or Brexit or anything, but I do want to get it right. :) I haven't checked to see if I can make complicated polling options, but if not then I might want to at least do two polls, one to determine a top-2, and then another to choose between those.


Awe, i like spider gwen or gwenom WAY more then gwenpool :(


Yeah, and I should mention, the longer hair will be mostly red (perhaps with some black streaks), and the medium version will have similar coloring to on the show, but with some more red streaks in the bangs.


Yes, the official poll will be in a few days. I wanted to let people discuss this most recent option a bit before having the poll. Patreon has built in polling tools.


if it aint laura, shiiiet. laura is love, laura is life


Honestly Gwen would be pretty hot so that would be my vote


Can I ask if you have modified your design on storm a bit since we’ve seen her? I felt in the first image her bust was kind of off and that’s left me less excited for her being in the game, but I know by the finished build comes along well get something great. I’m just wondering if pre-poll we could get another look if there has been changes.


I didn't get around to it, but I probably would a little bit in the final version.


So, anyway, Jean is the best girl. Because she already has a well-written character and a lot of gags to use. (Yes, that remade comics was not enough for me).


Could you do a post showing images of all the candidates just to help with picking which one we feel would be the best

Project 9056

110% I’m going for Gwenpool


WOW, Oni; it looks like you might have saved the best (two) for last. The expression of the top right face caught my attention (and my eye) the moment I opened up the app, but the mischievous look of Gwen in the tiny picture beneath may have sealed the deal for me personally. ;) Either way, great work and thanks for putting these together for us. SUPER excited for the polls to come and finding out who we get to play with next! :D


I like her canon hair style, but if you're going to have an alternate in too, how about her pre-haircut style from her debut episode?


Maybe. That one was kind of a "non style" though, and I don't like black hair for Scarlet Witch. I don't know why they went that route rather than giving her red hair that she dyes partially black.


I'm going to keep on saying it, but Yes! Scarlet Witch.

Anthony Michelli

For real though, I don't care who the next girl is. I just want the addiction mechanic available for literally anyone else haha


Psylocke > Storm > Jubilee > Polaris > Wanda > Jean > Squirrel Girl


Random thought: Zero has three color options currently. How about adding Nightcrawler/Mystique midnight blue? Apropos for a mutant. Maybe (easter egg) added dialog for Nightcrawler interactions in the Danger Room, if used?


Agreed. I was really confused on why the Addiction power didn't work on others when I first played. I suppose I still am.

Anthony Michelli

It's not implemented on anyone else currently. Although the setup for it is there for Laura when you first meet her.


Originally, I only offered one option, green, which was my way of sidestepping "human skin color issues" by only offering a "mutant skin color." Since players requested it though, I did add the two other skin tones, to allow for reasonable approximations of player skin tones. I hesitate to add more though, I don't want to over-complicate the systems. I might also be adding more stuff in future that would involve showing more Zero skin.


Ahh, now I understand. I had no idea it was eventually going to be implemented. That is awesome to hear.


Well, my original plan was to come up with entirely separate mechanics for each girl, ways to achieve the same playstyle options, but using some entirely separate functions. I think instead I'll just come up with an addiction mechanic that can function on all of them, and then if and when I develop alternative mechanics, they will *also* work.


So...how are you gonna spin this one? Are we going to the savage lands? I thought she was with the brotherhood of mutants.

Harem Hero X

How long before they're added to the game?1


I like Jean and Storm. If you do Storm, can you build a "here let me teach you" persona into her? I really like the older woman teaching the young innocent man thing.