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For those that had beta access, I sent out a quick survey yesterday to see how they were doing with it. I'm going to continue checking the results, so if you haven't answered yet, please do, but here's what seems apparent so far:

- Most of the game's progression with Rogue feels too easy to people. That makes sense, I haven't really tuned it completely yet. I will likely tweak a few things to make the progression of the love meter a bit more gradual, and also to raise the requirements needed for some of the sexual interactions. My target will be for it to take at least several days to start getting serious with Rogue, likely more if you don't pick the most direct options. This gives time to explore the world a bit first.

-I got a report that Xavier was bugging them when they were having sex in their rooms. This was also mentioned as a bug by players in the beta release post. It is in fact a bug and should be fixed by the next version. For this version at least, Xavier should never bother you when you're in private rooms, only when in public spaces. As new girls get added, it might be possible for them to walk in on you, not sure about that yet.

-Some people are confused about various core features, which tells me I didn't do a good enough job explaining them. There is a tutorial function in the Player's Room, I suggest you read through it, but I'm likely going to make it pop up automatically at least once (though you can skip it if you prefer).

-Some have expressed a desire for more communication and story between the characters, which is a fair point. I'll make an effort to go back in and add more opportunities for dialog.


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