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Sorry for the lack of updates recently.  I've been hard at work on the next update, I've got the basics for Laura's sex pose worked out, I still need to add some clothing for it and add in most of the animations, but the principles seem to work. I've got her romance scenes done, and am working on a few more, her room's set up to play around in, and there might be some other new backgrounds in the next build.

RavenNoodle's been working up some additional costume pieces for the game, which should provide some interesting new options. See if you can guess what.

I'll also get a sketch for Girl 5 candidate B, I have a rough version, but I'd like to polish it up a bit.




I love the picture of kitty new dress and the way of her sex pose


Niiiiice! Cant wait to see the next update, hope it will ready soon-ish :D Good call about adding some New clothing for the rest of the heroines, hope there will be some neat pieces for each lady, maybe some sort of stockings for each of them (or at least for Kitty and Emma :P) No idea who may be the another candidate for girl5 hope its gonna be Gwenpool or Storm :) Good luck with the project and have fun with it!

Karion Latanos

Can't wait for the full version of Laura content!


so is there going to be a new build around 1st-11th of june?

Princess Raven

what is the line up of girl candidates so far? all i can seem to find is the one below.


Maybe. Maybe a bit later. I'm working hard to get it out as soon as it's ready, but I still have a bunch of features I want to get in there.


That's it so far. I have around 8 in mind, but haven't done up sketches for them yet.


Still hoping the room is slightly messy, since that's been her excuse XD

philip brown

what kind of costumes are in the works?


You'll see, summer is coming. The more interesting addition is more of a clothing-related feature, shown in the screenshot above.


Are you planning on implementing more artwork during sex events in the middle of dates or even like separate image sets that play off to the side sets if that makes it easier? Additionally, will there be any based around threesome/off hand actions during sexual encounters? Even if it's something as small as having a cut/side view from a different perspective posed up in an empty space on the screen it'd be neat to have a visual for some of those things that either can't fit on the screen or could be used for the "third wheel" in the three way that tends to sit off to the side making silly faces X). The imagination is strong but the eyes prefer the art style :D


Well, I might be able to use existing animations where possible during the dates, and I can try to make it more visually apparent what the second girl is up to, but a lot of the existing art doesn't quite fit the alternate descriptions, and with the customization options, having alternate poses would be much more work than it sounds. I'll continue trying to expand the options as best I can.


I'm eager to see what new outfits come out for Kitty, she really needs a better wardrobe.

Zack V

Ooooo new Kitty stuff. You spoil us, Oni!


more outfits would be awesome, so glad that's happening.


Honestly? I wouldn't mind waiting for more artwork. The coding sounds like the biggest headache for you when it comes to this project and it might serve as a good distraction while still being progress. It could be something that could be used in updates that you are worried there being a lack of. Serving as visible teasers or even being something you could release in an art pack to people who are paying at higher tiers compared to others, rewarding that group while creating incentive for others to upgrade even if it's just for a month. A lot of the options we have available at this point in threesomes and some "offhanded" options are mostly flavor text or the visual is cut off by the perspective of the interaction. While all those options are great, outside of the mechanical payoff of simply getting your partner to "O face" first; there is no particular payoff in selecting them other than wiggling ghost hands and imagining that it's as cool as it sounds. If animations are tough, that's where the image sets might payoff on the side window-especially since the sex poses don't have perspectives that allow for the kind of camera position to capture all interactions. If you did decide to go down the road of occasionally updating art options for the previously mentioned interactions/events, versus re-coding every time you had to add a new girl (all her interactions, plot, dates, recognizing threesome invites or even the presence of coitus taking place and how it reacts with every other girl freaking out in the process) I'd personally up the amount I donate but if that's too much pressure you'd be putting on yourself in the end then I can be patient until you can more comfortable play around with such ideas if you so choose to go that route. I just imagine the artwork aspect to be an easier avenue for you compared to the mangled tapestry of coding you find yourself weaving/un-weaving every time you need to add in a new person or even a few options that become available with the artwork you have at that time.


looking good.


Well, I will say that artwork takes up a significant amount of time on this project, about half at least, and some of the worst parts of the coding are setting up animations using that art, getting those to come out as I intend can be a torturous process using Renpy's animation systems. Honestly converting existing systems to introduce a new character is the easiest part of the job at this point. I had some early struggles with it where I would have to expand systems to adapt to two characters instead of just one, three characters instead of just two, but I've managed to evolve most of them to at this point handle infinite girls in the game without needing to reinvent the wheel, so the actual effort that goes into those portions is more down to creative writing, coming up with many lines of character-appropriate dialog for a given situation. Like I said though, I'm always considering ways to expand the presentation in the existing game, ideally I'd want it to do "all the things" well, but it always comes down to priorities, getting the most bang for the time spent working on something.


Huh. That's an interesting tid-bit of information. I appreciate the insight into the process. It's unfortunate that's the case but only so much can be done, especially when you want to set personal deadlines. Do you think you will get the game to a point where you can focus more on the artwork as a whole or will most updates be designed around the thought that conforms with the bread and butter essentials of the updates idea to meet due dates? I only just noticed recently in this post that you have another person helping out. As I recall, finding help for this project has been tough but if finances and the right people that came around allowed for it, would you consider exploring additional artwork further?


That's always a consideration. Having more artists and writers can speed content creation considerably, so I've always got my eye out. The important thing is to generate new content without sacrificing quality. Even with other artists there is a certain amount of the work I need to do myself to ensure consistency. I often have to do some basic sketches, then when I get the finished work back I typically need to make some adjustments, and then export everything to ingame files. The more I work with an artist, the more streamlined I can get that process. Same with when I work with writers. At first it's mostly about them producing a prose story, and me having to break that down into gameplay beats, which is time consuming. Ideally over time they can pick up the relatively simple aspects of Renpy code that a story segment would require and produce a nearly complete scenario on their own.


That makes sense. If only finding these people were easy.


Wow would love to see more outfits/angles. I'm excited!


Cant wait for all your additions. Have you ever thought of adding a pool location for the game? Would be cool for adding bikinis to the game. To make things slightly easier, that location can kind of function like the shower but with swimming. Still great job on the game.


I love the game so far and your doing amazing work with it. But went will the next update be.